Speaking practice test 2 ....

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Speaking practice test 2 ....

Post by PrasadAnumolu »

Dear friends, this is my speaking practice test 2 ,.... any one ...correct my mistakes..
speaking 3.mp3
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Re: Speaking practice test 2 ....

Post by lmoore »

Hello, PrasadAnumolu.

Thank you for making a new recording. It was much easier to understand you this time.

First, you demonstrated some knowledge of specific, higher-level vocabulary words, like “function.” Another one you could have used is “event.” You used “special occasion” twice, and this is not something you want to do on the IELTS. It is important that you learn synonyms for common words like “event” or “occasion.” I also heard you use “classic” and “vintage,” which are good words to use for fashion-related topics like this one.

Your pronunciation is an area to work on improving. This is just a general statement. Investing time in improving your overall pronunciation will help you be better understood.

Grammar is an area that you should definitely study some more. Here are some notes:

that is my favorite selection in my festival – That is my favorite selection for a festival.
I like a jeans – I like jeans. (no a)
I interested to dress up for the special occasions – I am interested in dressing up for special occasions. (interested IN, no THE in front of special occasions)
she knows everything that is suitable to me exactly – she knows everything that suits me exactly
because of she - because of HER
she know everything – she knowS everything
she knows everything to me – She knows everything ABOUT me.

I would encourage you to work on verb tenses and everyday idioms and phrasal verbs (like “interested in”).
As far as coherency and organization go, I would suggest that you use more transitions, such as “in addition,” “also,” etc. These will help your speech be easier to understand. As your speech is now, it is difficult to tell what questions you are addressing and the direction in which you are taking your answer.

Best wishes as you continue to practice!
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