General Training Writing and Speaking, Dec 7th

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General Training Writing and Speaking, Dec 7th

Post by Hongsheng »

Hi, I am Hongsheng and I have just taken the General training module of the IELTS test on Dec 7th,2013. Allow me to share the Writing tasks and Speaking questions here.

Writing Task 1

You have been living and working in a foreign country, but you have made some plans to go back home. Before you leave, you want to give some furniture to your friend. Write a letter to this friend, in you letter, you should:

1, Describe this piece of furniture
2,Explain why your friend may like it
3,Suggest a way that your friend could take it away.

Write at least 150 words.

A suggested sample is as follows, please note, this is just one possible approach out of many others. I have, however, fully incorporated the instructions from our hero Ryan Higgins.

Dear Leon,

It's been ages since the last time we got together and I have missed you so much, my dear friend. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude to you, since you have been incredibly helpful during my first few weeks on this marvelous continent, Australia. Over the past few years, I have deeply fallen in love with the life in here. But, unfortunately my visa is about to expire so I have to start packing and leave. Before I go, I would like to give you some of my furniture as a way to say thank you. Let me explain about the details.

Basically, I have this cabinet that I believe you would really love. It contains many separate compartments which is ideal for classifying different types of files. I assume this cabinet can be particularly practical for you since you have been complaining about the fact that the paperwork you have been dealing with is gradually taking over your home office. With the help of this exquisite cabinet, you will never have to worry about that. In addition to the above feature, this cabinet is also painted in your favorite color- light purple. I am sure this cabinet will make your life much easier and delightful.

You can come over to my place on Sunday afternoon to pick it up. The cabinet is actually quite small so you should be able to carry it easily with your car. We will also have dinner afterwards.

See you soon,

Writing Task 2

Science has been developing rapidly over the past few years and it becomes practical for scientists to find a way to make people live for 100 years, or maybe oven 200 years. Some people believe this is a good thing while others believe this brings more issues, Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion.

You should write at least 250 words.

Again, the following sample is just my own way to address this question ,thank you for the instructions from our hero Ryan Higgins :) If you have read Dr. Ryan's Ebook, then you are going to be able to identify this essay type instantly------The discussion essay. And with the foolproof, step-by step guide from Dr. Ryan. Solving this task becomes something easy and even fun :) Now we shall begin:

Modern medicine has been developing rapidly over the past few decades. And the human beings' lifespan has been increasing gradually with the help of modern medicine. Nowadays, it even becomes promising that the scientist could find a way to prolong the human beings' lifespan to 100 years, or maybe even 200 years. Consequently, there seems to be a discussion going on about whether if this matter is positive in nature or brings more issues than benefits. This essay will briefly address both sides of this argument before reaching to a reasoned conclusion and then make a synergistic prediction.

Firstly, those who believe that stretching the human beings' lifespan to 100 years or more is beneficial claims that, with much longer years to live, a man has more opportunities to enjoy the numerous joys that this amazing planet earth has to offer. However, it is universally agreed that with old age, illness would always tag along. And it is likely that illness will jeopardize a man's overall happiness. Thus, it becomes clear that this side of the argument does not possess sufficient justifications.

On the other hand, for those who claim that extending human beings' lifespan to 100 years or more brings more issues other than benefits cite the fact that the planet earth simply does not have enough resources to support even the current population, with the significant increase of ages comes with a boost of population. It is only sensible to assume that people will fight over the fairly limited resources and eventually the human race will go extinct. It is believed, however, that apart from this worst case scenario, there are also many other issues with the drastic extension of human's lifespan. From this it is obvious that this side of the argument has greater extent of credibility.

In conclusion, the unnatural manipulation of human age is potentially destructive to the entire human race and should be avoided at all cost. Therefore, it is predicted that the pertinent scientists will fully grasp the severity of this matter and halt the relevant research.

The speaking Module of this test :

During the first part of the test, the examiner kept asking me about music and my other personal hobby. He didn't play by the book, instead he is more spontaneous with his question, this might appear to be a bit unprofessional :)

Second part of the speaking test:

You would talk about your favorite season

1 what this season is
2 why you like this season
3 what do you like to do during this season

Talk about it for 1 to 2 minutes

Part three of the speaking test is kind of blurry, but I remember he asked about this : Do you think there is a connection between certain kind of jobs and seasonal change?

My strategy is still like what I said before in the Ryan's interview, improvise at all times ! Use preambles for every single question, lead in to your answer, fill in the redundant words and briefly touch on the question. last time I got 8.5, no reason to believe this time things shall be any different :)

Anyway, my fellow IELTS candidate friends, I screwed up the reading module this time. And I might take the test again in January. Let's pray to Lucifer and Ryan together, hopefully things might be better the next time :)
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Re: General Training Writing and Speaking, Dec 7th

Post by Ryan »

Hi Hongsheng,

Thank you for sharing your experience here. Please excuse my delayed reply.
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