Full IELTS seen in Arlington, USA (9 January 2014)

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Full IELTS seen in Arlington, USA (9 January 2014)

Post by Ryan »

A exam taker emailed this recount to me the other day:
1) Man booking hotel for celebrating his company's anniversary
2) Don't remember
3) A student discussing about his paper - newspaper article with different sections (this is the 2nd time im hearing same type of questions in this section)
4) A person explaining about Healthy lifestyle and 2 different researcher's opinions

General Reading:
1) 6 Advertisements - identifying the right advertisement
2) Paragraph on Medical office & councelling facilities for college students - 3 word answers
3) 6 - 7 paragraphs explaining about a city in a desert. Don't remember the city name. - 3 word answers, identifying the paragraph,T/F question

General Writing:
1) You have decided to leave the company. Write about
the reason for leaving
when you want to leave
what you feel about this

2) Some countries have uniforms mandatory in schools, while some does not.
Do you think this as advantageous or not (not exact same phrases, but the meaning is the same)

1) Tell me about the place you live
2) Topic about historic event that you remember
3) Discussion about the topic and questions framed from my previous answers
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