Can I get 7.5?

Daily (Mon-Fri) speech exercises with Ryan through Whatsapp
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Can I get 7.5?

Post by KrK »

Hello, guys,

Could you please evaluate my speaking and point out what I can improve?

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Re: Can I get 7.5?

Post by terry3218 »

Suggestions for improvement :
Firstly there's a static noise in your recording so it was hard to hear.
Nonetheless, i think your fluency and pronunciation are great but you could really use some more complex vocabulary. For example instead of saying improving your mind/brain you could say sharpening your brain.
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Re: Can I get 7.5?

Post by lmoore »

Hi, KrK,

Thank you for sharing your recording.
First, your speech was quite well-organized. You gave a solid introduction that made it easy for me, as a listener, to know what to expect. You used transition words to separate and at the same time link your different ideas together.
Also, your vocabulary was good. It was general in many parts, however, so I would encourage you to find some synonyms for common words, like “beneficial,” which you repeated. When you repeat a word, it can indicate that you don’t have another word for it in your vocabulary. I did hear a good idiomatic phrase, “in terms of,” which shows you have knowledge of some of the words and phrases students may not always know how to use properly.
Your pronunciation was often unclear. I had a hard time making out some of your words. I think part of that may have been the quality of the recording. In addition, your voice was low, making it difficult to hear at times. I would encourage you to look in the eyes of the interviewer when you take the exam and to speak clearly and distinctly. I was also not completely certain whether you said the word “this” or “these” when you spoke. Be very clear about the /ee/ sound in English by pulling your lips back into a smile when you say that sound.
Finally, you said “spend these activities” at one point, and I think you may have meant “do” these activities. Also, you said something about solving tasks, but you generally solve “problems” or “puzzles” and “do” or “complete” tasks.
Best wishes as you continue to practice!
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