GT, essays 5-6. Band score 7+ needed!

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GT, essays 5-6. Band score 7+ needed!

Post by Gelever »

Hi, guys!
Today I'm going to post my essays 5-6 out of 10 needed for proper preparation.
This time, I post 'problem&solution' and 'double question' essays. Please, be critical and suggest me some improvements for band >=7!
So, here is my actual work:

GT April 18
People nowadays are not fit and active than the people from the olden days. Discuss the causes for this situation and suggest some possible solutions.

One negative trend of today’s world is that more and more individuals become inactive both socially and physically. It is envisaged that recent achievements in food production and communication technology are credited to this. In this essay, I intend to outline how encouraging people to take exercises and take their leisure activities out of the Internet can mitigate this unfavourable tendency.

One matter why human beings remain bulky and often obese these days is the proliferation of fast-food restaurants. Nutritionists concur that due to toxic ingredients constant feeding on such unhealthy foods can lead people to becoming overweight. To reduce these negative effects of fast-food diet, people could be forced to take some sort of exercises, e.g. hopping, before buying fast foods to burn up surplus calories. The equipment such as jump ropes would not be expensive and inaccessible for most companies. Thus, it is felt that such the measures would contribute to tackle obesity problems caused by unhealthy diets.

Another cause for people to become inactive is that online services have made is unnecessary for humans to leave their houses to communicate, entertain and even date. An increasing number of youngsters have become to prefer chatting or flirting through Facebook or Twitter rather than going out and taking keep-fit exercises. One approach to sort this problem out could be to organise regular meetings for members of online communities at nightclubs with half-price refreshments to wean them from the ‘virtual reality’. Thus, it is thought that such the innovation would embolden young people to spend less time in front of their computers.

Although the new technologies have seriously challenged the society, there could be find viable solutions. It is shown that taking up physical exercises at fast-food restaurants could compensate the consumption of calories and meetings at nightclubs could contribute to the fight against people’s growing passivity caused by Internet predilection.

Total: 307

to tackle the problem

Today more people are travelling than ever before. Why is this the case? What are the benefits of travelling for the traveler?

Human beings have been aspiring to explore the world at all times. Modern developments in transport systems and information technologies have made it easier for people to plan their journeys. In this essay, I am going to explore factors why trips become more and more prevalent and what this can entail for a traveller.

Firstly, with the advent of the Internet’s era it has become simpler for a person to book his/her holidays. Since every transport company has had its own web site with the possibilities of searching and reserving tickets, a traveller could elaborate his itinerary with minimal efforts. Secondly, development of public transportation made the journey planning more predictable than before. Thus, a traveller has had at his disposal planes, liners, trains, and a wide variety of surface vehicles. Therefore, it is clear that both flexible transport system and the easier way of planning a trip have encouraged people to travel.

Thinking about this topic, we can admit that a traveller is certainly benefited by taking journeys. Firstly, psychologists concur that a person needs to change the settings to have a sterling rest. It is essential to ‘reload’ your mind and withdraw from routine life for a while in order to return full of new ideas and capable to look at life from another perspective. Secondly, having seen the world’s tourist attractions such as, for example, Egyptian Pyramids or Stonehenge you are to return inspired and invigorated for new feats in your jobs, personal life, etc. Thus, it is felt that travelling is favourable for an individual by providing full relaxation and inspiration.

We have shown that the causes why people travel nowadays more than before are a richer transportation choice and a more convenient way to book tickets. Furthermore, travelling benefits a person by broadening his/her outlook and providing an opportunity to get inspired.

Total: 303
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