General Writing Task 2 evaluation required

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General Writing Task 2 evaluation required

Post by faty »

People nowadays are not fit and active than the people from the old days. Discuss the causes and suggest some solutions.

Since the beginning of the recorded time, there has been a tremendous change in our lifestyles. This transition has been observed due to inexorable technological practices that people have adapted in their routines. It is believed that such advancements have made people lethargic and unfit. This argument will be analyzed to deduce solutions for an improved and healthy life.

If reasons of an unhealthy lifestyle are to be evaluated, sedentary lifestyle, nowadays, comes on the top of the list. Inactive routine has made people obese and unfit. In older days, people used to be active because they had a very simple way of living with almost no technical influence. For example, they preferred walk on cars to commute which is good for health. Furthermore, social gatherings were prioritized despite busy work routines to release stress. These examples illustrate that they valued life and used to make efforts to stay healthy and active.

However, people around the world today are more occupied in luxuries. They value materialistic things to compete for a better lifestyle. This keeps then consumed as a consequence of which, control on health and fitness is lost. To exemplify, ready-made food items are preferred to save time which is extremely unhygienic. Additionally, sitting for hours in front of computer without physical activity leads to inactivity. All these examples signify that the health is effected at the cost of luxurious commodities.

After evaluating reasons, it is obvious that there is a need to revise our daily schedules. This is possible by incorporating healthy meal and exercise in our routines. Emphasis should be made on co-curricular activities to strengthen mental and physical stamina of the body. In a nutshell, successful life is only possible if an effort is made for a healthy lifestyle.
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Re: General Writing Task 2 evaluation required

Post by Flick »

faty wrote:People nowadays are not fit and active than the people from the old days. Discuss the causes and suggest some solutions.

Since the beginning of recorded time, there has been a tremendous change in our lifestyles. This transition has been observed due to inexorable technological advances that people have adapted in their daily routines. It is believed that such advancements have made people lethargic and unfit. This argument will be analyzed to deduce solutions for an improved and healthy life.

If reasons of an unhealthy lifestyle are to be evaluated, sedentary lifestyle, nowadays, comes on the top of the list.(<--Reword to: "Today's sedentary lifestyle is one of the biggest contributors to unhealthy and overweight people.") Inactivity has made people obese and unfit. Previously, people used to be active because they had a very simple way of living with almost no technical influence. For example, they had to walk, not drive, which was better for their health. Furthermore, social gatherings were prioritized despite busy work routines to release stress. These examples illustrate that they valued life and used to make an effort to stay healthy and active.

However, people around the world today are more focused on luxuries. They value materialistic things to compete for a better lifestyle. This keeps then consumed as a consequence of which, control on health and fitness is lost.(<--Reword to: "A consequence of this attitude is a loss of health and fitness.") For example, ready-made food items are preferred to save time, which is extremely unhealthy. Additionally, sitting for hours in front of a computer without physical activity leads to inactivity. All these examples signify that health is ignored in favor of luxurious commodities.

After evaluating the reasons, it is obvious that there is a need to revise our daily schedules. This is possible by incorporating healthy meals and regular exercise in our routines. Emphasis should be made on co-curricular activities to strengthen mental and physical stamina of the body. In a nutshell, a successful life is only possible if an effort is made to have a healthy lifestyle.
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