Writing Task 1 (Bar chart - car trips)

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Writing Task 1 (Bar chart - car trips)

Post by paperheart »

The bar chart compares the amount of car trips made by men and women for different purposes in 2005.
Overall, both men and women use cars the most for working purpose, while the least of men and women opt for car as mode of transport to complete chores, visit town and go to bank.

As its shown, the most popular car trips made was for work, it can be seen that over 50% and almost 40% of men and women travelled to work by car. This is followed by shopping trips made up of 10% from men and approximately 18% from women.

In contrast, cars were less encouraging for activities like town visits, heading to bank and gathering with friends as there were only less than 10% of car lifts taken by both genders in these categories. Furthermore, more women made car trips to attend courses and run errands, while men prefer to drive for recreation purpose.
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Re: Writing Task 1 (Bar chart - car trips)

Post by Billyibuck »

The issue is hot and extremely interesting. I want to talk this over.
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Re: Writing Task 1 (Bar chart - car trips)

Post by asadurk »

The bar chart provides the information of car trips in the year 2005 with respect to gender of the driver.

The first three most usage of the cars are commuting to work, shopping and courses respectively in decreasing order. All the other purposes of car tripping were less than 10%, except men used car for recreating is slightly more than 10% and female for less than 5%.

According to the bar char, more than 50% men are used to go to work in their personal vehicle, while about 40% women used for the same purpose. On the other hand, slightly less than 20% women and 10% men are used cars for shopping. The third most useful purpose of car is for going to attend courses. Men used about 10%, and women used less than 10% for the same purpose.

People tends to use car for running errands and going bank were almost at same percentage for both genders. Other purposes were visiting friends and visiting towns. Men tends to use car more for visiting friends, and women for visiting towns.
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