Please Evaluate My Letter for writing task 1

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Please Evaluate My Letter for writing task 1

Post by sanket »

Your neighbours have a dog that is noisy at night. You can’t sleep. Write a letter to your neighbours. In your letter:
- describe the problem with the dog
- explain why it is important for you to sleep
- outline what your neighbours could do about the situation.

Dear Mr. Hardley,

Hope you find this letter in pink of your health & you are doing well in your plants nursery business. Being neighbor, we have always supported & helped each other in our problems. I am writing you this letter for explaining one of the problem I am facing currently & requesting your support for the same.

From last few months, I am unable to sleep at night as your dog keeps on barking overnight. He also gets into our compound, disturbs our garden which disrupts my sleep. I am well aware that you are not doing this intentionally, but at same time, not getting sound sleep is causing multiple problems for me.

As you know , right now I am busy with one of my critical project which requires strong concentration. Lack of sleep is hampering my concentration & also creating health problems for me.

So I request you please, to keep your pet tied in your premises or to construct a wall long enough so that he is unable to enter into my compound. Or if possible, keep him inside house during night time.

Expecting your cooperation on this, for resolving the issue.

Yours Sincerely
IELTS Examiner
IELTS Examiner
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Re: Please Evaluate My Letter for writing task 1

Post by David.IELTS.Examiner »

Hi Sanket,
Good letter! You have answered all the key points and provided some development for each. Only a solution to the barking is not mentioned, but it is clearly suggested that the neighbor find one.
Grammar and vocab are generally good and sometimes very good, e.g. Lack of sleep is hampering my concentration, but ...
1. in pink of your health - in good health
2. for explaining - to explain
3. being neighbor - being neighbors
All the best,
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