An update from Ryan's side...

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An update from Ryan's side...

Post by Ryan »

The format of this episode of IELTSCast is a little different. It isn't an interview. It's just me talking about my personal and professional situation over the past year and what I'm hoping to do within the online IELTS community into 2016: ... update.mp3

(If the above player isn't displaying in your browser, you can download the episode here: ... update.mp3)
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Re: An update from Ryan's side...

Post by sebastian »

Great episode. Congratulations on everything that’s happened this year and a big thank you for doing all of this. I really like your ideas (WhatsApp, Crowdfunding) and you can count on me. I may take you on your offer of doing some Podcasts and appreciate the help to spread the word. My life’s also experienced some changes in 2015 and one of my resolutions for 2016 is to have more time for projects. At the end of the day, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t do drugs, I don’t like travelling, I don’t buy posh clothes and at the moment I haven’t got a girlfriend, so I can easily live off minimum wage for a while (i.e. I can afford just working a few hours a week and having the rest of time available to do what gives me joy, IELTS research included).

What do you mean by speaking coaches? What does it entail?

All the best!

'It's OK to just want more.' - Mark Hoppus
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Re: An update from Ryan's side...

Post by Ryan »

Hi Sebastian,

Nice to meet you. Thank you for the background on your situation and for your kind words about my work. Your plan for 2016 sounds very ambitious! Please let me know if you do decide to start an IELTS related podcast. Posting the episodes here and to the IELTS Network Facebook group could help snowball an early following for your show.

The 'speaking coaches' I referred to in Episode 38 are the users in the Post your speaking section of this site that provide professional feedback to students that submit their recorded speaking samples. lmoore has been the most active coach this year.

Good luck!
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