Hoping I have made some sort of progress. The third passage is ready to be assessed. Thank you Examiners!

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Hoping I have made some sort of progress. The third passage is ready to be assessed. Thank you Examiners!

Post by NewAgeEnglish »

Many museums charge for admission while others are free.
Do you think the advantages of charging people for admission to museums outweigh the disadvantages?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Museums are great places in society. Their collections hold almost all the most valuable heritage of both humanity and nature. It is commonly agreed that museums are more of the preserver and keeper to this immense treasure than the owner. In recent years the question whether they should charge for admission has become a much heated public proposition. To my opinion the admission fee leads to far more disadvantages than advantages.

Firstly, by applying an admission fee, museums deprives some people’s right to access to a heritage belongs to human race. For example, financially disadvantaged people probably never have the opportunity to step into a museum, and their children are most likely further hindered in their intellectual development and education because of lacking an important source of learning. As a result this fee creates a gap between rich and poor, and deteriorates the social inequality. This is such a prominent disadvantage of this fee, and it is almost impossible to be outweighed by any associated advantage.

Secondly, admission fee causes unfavorable public opinions. Unfortunately, there are not many public institutions that people can go for free nowadays. As one of these institutions, people generally regard museums as a valued social welfare. To be charged to enter means that they are no longer entitled to this welfare. This inevitably results in objection, just as those opinions people in Britain have expressed in various media. Clearly, most advantages of this fee are hardly important enough to balance out such a negative impact.

To sum up, as analyzed above, there are two fundamental drawbacks of museum entrance fee. It deteriorates social inequality, and causes negative public opinions. These disadvantages are hardly justified by any advantages it may have. It is expected that the oppositive stand of general people on this issue will not change in foreseeable future.

Word count: 300
IELTS Examiner
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Re: Hoping I have made some sort of progress. The third passage is ready to be assessed. Thank you Examiners!

Post by David.IELTS.Examiner »

Hello again!

Generally, I think this is a good essay. I think that you could look at why many/most museums feel the need to charge a fee, however.

Well done!
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