Part 2 Academic :) please give me a feedback :)

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Part 2 Academic :) please give me a feedback :)

Post by Chitarra90 »

Government should spend money on railways rather than roads.

To what extent to you agree or disagree with this statement.

Many people believe that the government should increase public funds destinated to railways rather than roads. I totally agree with this view as reliable, well designed and convenient railroads might provide more benefits for people, environment, and also for industries.

First of all, developing new lines for trains, or better ones could help the working class to rely less on cars as a mean to go to their workplaces. High-speed and cheaper trains might persuade people to use them to travel faster than what they can to with their vehicles. As a result, as fewer people move by cars, less pollution and car accidents would be the benefits.
The Metropolitan city of Catania in Italy is a clear example of that, since 1990 the local administration has regularly spent roughly a third of the budget for this purpose and today more than three-quarters of the population use railroads to reach the cities surrounding Catania where the majority of firms have decided to establish. Although cars usually give more independence to travel, I believe that this could be done quite well by railroads.

From a commercial point of view, industries might experience a beneficial effect of well-developed rails as they can carriage more products or heavy ones cheaper and faster than roads. Furthermore, this might help to reduce the final price to consumers thus resulting in a pro also the population. This is of particular important for cars manufacturers as they can not carry vehicles mainly by roads, doing this would result in a loss of money spent for tonnes of fuel. Fiat has created since 1985 an own private railway to connect its supply chain and be more competitive as this allowed Fiat to deliver cars faster and cheaper.

In conclusion, I totally agree that the government should invest money on tracks rather than streets as the benefits provided to the population in terms of saving of time, money and environment are the best one that could be given by the public expenditure.
IELTS Examiner
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Re: Part 2 Academic :) please give me a feedback :)

Post by David.IELTS.Examiner »


High-speed AND cheaper? Explain.

Also explain the last sentence. If I travel by train, I can only go where the tracks go.

The goods trains aspect is much better.

Good vocabulary and grammar, but your ideas need to be clearer.

All the best,
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