First practice A Gift

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First practice A Gift

Post by james_ma »

Welcome to mark my Speaking Practice.

Many Thanks
A Gift.mp3
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Re: First practice A Gift

Post by Charmy »

Your pronunciation is basically clear. I can easily understand what you said.
However, I guess you were reading instead of speaking spontaneously. Am I right?
In your recording, you said, "It's because I lack of patience." That's not grammar. You should say "I lack patience" or "Patience is lacking in me".
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Re: First practice A Gift

Post by lmoore »

Hi, James_Ma,
Thank you for sharing your story about the fishing rod. It seems to have played an important role in your childhood.
You were easy to understand, overall, and your organization was clear.
Your vocabulary was not quite as sophisticated as it might be, however. You used many general terms. You used “to be honest,” which shows knowledge of some colloquialisms, or everyday phrases, but there weren’t too many of them.
I believe that the most important area for you to improve is pronunciation. For example, you sounded like you said “descwibe” instead of “descRibe.” Be careful to say the /r/ sound instead of /w/. In addition, I heard you say, “dat” instead of “that.” Put your tongue between your teeth when you make the /th/ sound. Also, when you say, “fishing,” be sure you don’t drop the /g/ sound at the end of the word. When you say “because,” it sounds like “becos.” It should sound like, “becuz.” It’s more relaxed than how you are saying it. The short /o/ sound in “rod” should also be more relaxed, like in the word “body.” Open your mouth in such a way that your bottom jaw is lower than you would normally have it when you say the short /o/ sound, like when you yawn.
Concerning word stress, one note I’d like to make is that you should emphasize “high” in “junior high school,” not “school.”
Your words sounded very choppy, meaning they don’t sound like you are putting them together in larger chunks. It doesn’t sound fluent. Concentrate on speaking in larger and larger phrases as you say your sentences.
Some grammar notes:
-the reason why I thought I cannot – the reason why I thought I COULD not – This is in the past tense.
- my father give me a lesson – gave
- patient for all things – patient IN all things. You would say, “I am waiting patiently for my mother to come home,” but “I must be patient in all things.”
- it is important for my life – IN my life
Best wishes as you continue to practice!
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