Ielts essay

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Ielts essay

Post by prem »

Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships people make? Has this become a positive or negative development?

Over the recent years, there has been enormous development in the technology and they also affected to people’s personal relationships. In this essay, I shall explain benefits and drawbacks of the new invention.

To begin with, the new invention of communication technologies have radically changed and affected person’s life. They are more and more connected with computers and internet and also talk to their families, friends and relatives through social networking sites like Face book, We Chat and so on. Moreover, the invention of email technology could change the traditional way of letter writing and telegrams. This is very effective, private and faster than other letter writing methods.

On the one hand, there are benefits in different areas like education and business world. Students can easily get lessons, suggestions, and tutorials without going and meeting teachers at their home. They can learn from teachers through online video calling applications like Skype, Viber and so on. However, in the business world, employers could easily arrange online meeting without traveling. This is the time consuming and money saving way for both.
On the other hand, there are some downsides of the overuse of technology, it’s really minor than benefits. People are more striking with computer’s screen and ignores to family members. Sometimes maybe happen to change their behaviors and attitudes towards to their family. As a consequence, people can forget verbal and face to face communication.

In conclusion, I am of the opinion that there are some factors of technology affects in people’s relationships. I believe that there are more advantages of that than the disadvantages.
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Re: Ielts essay

Post by argho1985 »

Over the recent years, there has been a enormous development in various fields of technologies. Mode of communication have often got changed as compared to the old traditional ways. However, it is generalised that, this development has affected several people's personal relationship. The essay will cover the benefits and drawbacks of the new invention.

At present, with the presence of different online communication software's, individual's are getting easily connected with their loved one's such as friends, families or even close relatives. For example, social platforms like Facebook, Whatsapp and WeChat attracts users to get in touch with people who are miles away. As a result, exchange of information becomes faster, private and convenient. Also, it has been noted that, with the advent of online video training websites like Skype and Viber, communication between the sender and receiver is smooth. This is agreed by many organisations including educational institutions. Therefore, it results in saving time, money and minimises the risk.

However, some advocates argued that, these sudden increases in various technologies has badly ruined people's bondage. There were many cases noted where , a person gets too much involved with these gadgets and ignores members of the family. As a consequence, they get isolated and ends in victim of depression. Additionally, people also forgets verbal and face to face communication which indirectly reflects their negative personality.

Therefore to sum up, it is clear that, no matter communications between person to person has got easy with the availability of online technologies but usage needs to monitored so as to reduce the risk of troubling relationships. This clearly indicates that, positives have outweighed the negatives.

Hi Prem,

I re wrote the essay based on my understanding. Please have a look on it and you will understood what mistakes you have made.

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