[Exam Questions] 2014.07.12

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jimmy ielts
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[Exam Questions] 2014.07.12

Post by jimmy ielts »

My first post here. I'm Jimmy from Jimmy's IELTS http://www.facebook.com/ielts.jimmy

Thanks to Ryan for allowing me to post here. I hope you find the information below useful. If you have any extra information, please let me know or comment below, so we can beat IELTS together!

---- Prediction success ? -----
• WT1 (APAC) Mostly a success--if you don't count the extra data from the table (From 2014.07.10 update, Pie/L > B > T/C/M/Pro)

• WT1 (MEI/EU) Success! Line chart was tested (From 2014.07.10 update, L > C/Pie > T > B > M/Pro)

• WT1 (AM) Fail~ Process was tested (From 2014.07.01 update L/B > M/C > Pro/T>P), need more data, too many test info are missing for this region

• WT2 (APAC) was a direct hit (see prediction file pg. 3 high probability society q2 and pg. 6 q4)

• WT2 (MEI/EU) partial success (see related question on prediction file pg. 3 high probability education q1)

• WT2 (AM) partial success (see related questions on prediction file pg. 4 q10 and pg. 8 q6)

Note: Task 2 predictions were not made by me--they come from Chinese websites--I just select what I think are the best ones and put them together for you

---- Writing APAC ----
Academic WT1
• (Combination Table/Line) A comparison of data from 2004 to 2009 about different search engines (Google, Yahoo, etc.).

Academic WT2
• Some argue that younger people are not suitable for important positions in the government, while others think it is a good idea. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

General WT1
Your friend invited you to her wedding, but you cannot attend it. Write a letter to tell her;
• the reason why you cannot attend it
• invite your friend to visit your place
• introduce some activities that you can do together

General WT2
• Some people have an unhealthy diet and do not have enough exercise. What do you think of this? How can we encourage people to have a healthy lifestyle

---- Writing MEI/EU ----
Academic WT1
• (Line) The number of users for various forms of telecommunication services, e.g., mobile/cellphones, telephone-fixed line, and internet in China from 1994 to 2005.
pictures here --> http://goo.gl/kjlZU7 and http://goo.gl/lklK1r

Academic WT2
• (v1) Some people think that nowadays children have too much freedom. Do you agree or disagree?

• (v2) Some people think that nowadays we are giving children too much freedom. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

---- Writing AM ----
Academic WT1
• (Process) Olive Oil Production

Academic WT2
• What are the positive and negative influences of advertising to people in the society? Should there be more or less advertising?
Task 1 MEIEU (2014.07.12) v2.jpg
Task 1 MEIEU (2014.07.12) v2.jpg (154.77 KiB) Viewed 4020 times
Task 1 MEIEU (2014.07.12) v1.jpg
Task 1 MEIEU (2014.07.12) v1.jpg (190.13 KiB) Viewed 4020 times
Task 1 APAC (2014.07.12) v1.jpg
Task 1 APAC (2014.07.12) v1.jpg (152.74 KiB) Viewed 4020 times
Last edited by jimmy ielts on Sat Aug 02, 2014 3:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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jimmy ielts
Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Jul 12, 2014 5:07 am

Re: IELTS Exam 2014 July 12

Post by jimmy ielts »

post updated with questions for all 3 test regions
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