Please assess my Task 2(Using Communication Technologies)

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Please assess my Task 2(Using Communication Technologies)

Post by vikasggn »

General WT2
• Many people spend a lot of time using communication technologies. What are the reasons for this? What effects will this have on our family and friends?


People spend more time looking at their mobile than looking at their spouse. That's the truth of today's world. Use of communication technologies in personal and professional life has exponentially increased in the 21st century for various reasons. There’s no question that advantages coming out of these technological advances are well supplemented with few demerits also.

Smart mobile devices, high end laptops and faster Internet connectivity has given an opportunity to technocrats for some out of the box innovations like Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and Linkedin recently. These social and professional networking sites are connecting millions of people every day. Responding emails on the fly and instant messaging using handhelds have also gained a lot of popularity with professionals. Work from home capabilities, faster access to data and remote connectivity is providing flexibility and accessibility to everyone. All these factors have contributed in the increase of use of communication technologies.

While there are subtle reasons and benefits for this fast paced technological evolution, there are some serious side effects too. Accessing the smart devices for social networking, gaming and chatting has increased to an extent that it has become an addiction for many of us. Commenting and liking someone on Facebook is the need of the hour than giving attention to family and friends. Attending emails or accessing office work at home is taking away precious time from family and kids. In worst cases, excessive technology use is becoming the cause of frequent family fights and even divorces.

In my view, entire focus towards the communication devices is devaluing some serious bonding within the family and relationships . A judicious use of these tools have definite benefits but we need to do a balancing act here. Remember, excess of everything is bad and excessive technology is not far off from this thought.
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Re: Please assess my Task 2(Using Communication Technologies

Post by Manugoyal123 »

This is a good essay. The requirements of the task statement are well covered, the arguments make sense and are presented in a coherent, easy to follow way, the range of vocabulary is wide enough and the writer shows fluency and flexibility. Overall this looks like an IELTS Band 7 essay.

People spend more time looking at their mobile rather than interacting with their beloved ones. That's the bitter truth of today's world. Use of communication technologies in personal and professional life has exponentially increased in the 21st century for various reasons. There’s no question that advantages coming out of these technological advances are well supplemented with few demerits also.

Smart mobile devices, high end laptops and faster Internet connectivity provides an opportunity to technocrats to design some out of the box innovations like Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and Linkedin recently. These social and professional networking sites are connecting millions of people around the world every day. Responding emails on the fly and instant messaging using handhelds have also gained a lot of popularity among professionals and naive users. Work from home capabilities, faster access to data and remote connectivity is providing flexibility and accessibility to everyone. All these factors have contributed in the gradual increase of use of communication technologies.

While there are subtle reasons and benefits for this fast paced technological evolution, there are some serious side effects too. Accessing the smart devices for social networking, gaming and chatting has increased to an extent that it has become an addiction for many of us. Commenting and liking someone on Facebook is the need of the hour than giving attention to family and friends. Attending emails or accessing office work at home is taking away precious time that we should have used for our family and kids. In worst cases, the use of excessive technology is becoming the cause of frequent family fights and even divorces.

In my view, entire focus towards the communication devices is deteriorating some serious bonding within the family and relationship with others . A judicious use of these tools have definite benefits but we need to do a balancing act here. Remember, excess of everything is bad and use of excessive technology is not far off from this thought.
Posts: 31
Joined: Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:14 pm

Re: Please assess my Task 2(Using Communication Technologies

Post by vikasggn »

Thanks Manu, certainly a moral booster for me.

Posts: 452
Joined: Wed Feb 05, 2014 6:56 am

Re: Please assess my Task 2(Using Communication Technologies

Post by saqibali »

Good effort
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