Complete exam summary - Sri Lanka - 28 July 2014

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Complete exam summary - Sri Lanka - 28 July 2014

Post by Ryan »

I just received this email from a test taker in Sri Lanka. Thank you for the very detailed account!
Taken at the British Council - Academic Module- Sri Lanka - 28th July


Good morning.take a seat please.
(She started recording the details with the number and the name of the examiner)
Asked to hand over the passport.

Part 1
1. Tell me your full name?
2. How can I call you?
3. From where do you come ?
4. Do you like the place where you stay?
5. Do you recommend families to live there?
6. Do you know lot of people living in your area?

7. What is the day of the week you like most?
8. Are all days of the week like that?
9. What is the heaviest day of your week?
10.If you want anything to be changed in this routine what would you like to do?

11.Do you like to visit museums?
12.Why museums are important?
13.Can you tell about a museum you have visited when you were a child?
14.Do you recommend children to visit museums?

Part 2 - Cue card
Tell about a city you have visited.
You should say,
1. Where it was?
2. Why you went?
3. What did you do there?
Tell what you liked or disliked about the this place

Part 3
1. Now we discussed about cities...
Can you tell me the problems you see in cities
2. Why are there problems like that?
3. How will these problems affect humans?
4. What are the solutions?
5. Why those things are not done?
6. So do you think people in the rural area are happy?
7. What will happen in the future if it is continued like this?
8. So do you think that there should be a proper plan for these things..?
Thank you..that's the end of the speaking test


Task 1
attached a picture, a bit similar to what we got. not accurate at all.

Task 2
General sentence....can't remember
Do you think ambition is important to succeed in life?
Is it a positive or a negative quality to have?


Section 1
A discussion on a feedback given by a visitor about a hotel stay
The reason for your current visit -1. Conference
Your previous visit - 2. Wedding
How did you reach the hotel - 3. Coach

booking - 5. ? Bedroom

Wife prefers meat, but there were no adequate dishes of -6. Meat

Like the beach because there are less - 7.steps
Would like to add - 8. Cinema

Section 2
A discussion between two students, a male and a female ( names ??). They were planning to do a research on town. They want to find out about the old plan of the town.
They are allocating specific tasks according to their convenience and the preferences.

11. going through the web …… ?A
12. talking to the people ……. B
13. ?visiting the place ……………………B
14.The areas they wanted to study in detail
A. life style?
B. Work
E. Medical Facilities

15. E
16. ? A

A Map of the old town……to find the location of the each building
17. ?Film hall
18. Prison
19. Market

Section 3
Visiting a place
Multiple choice questions
21. the monkey…………..
A. likes people
C. ? living with its mother

22. the highest package will give
A. two free tickets to visit………..
B. a chance to help a …………….
C. ……..

23. It will be open for school children on ( answer was given as except for Friday and Saturday)
A. Saturday to Sunday
C. ……..

24. The presentation will be done by
A. ……..
B. the zoologist……………..
C. a celebrity…..

The places to do the following activities
25. to get a bus…..
26. to touch animals………..
27. children to do paintings?........
28. Dinner………..

Section 4
A scientific lecture on Botany- Invasive plants
They can take up a 31. Garden

Once it has affected the 33.Timber industry
Originally brought from ……34.Russia

They have. …… 35. Pair of leaves known as…….
It has leaves , flowers , and a delicate 36.tissue under the bark
It is spread by birds.. ……. Their diet and the 37.migration patterns are responsible
It is going to be controlled by the use of ……………?fish
It has been used for the treatment of diseases in the 40. Digestive system

Passage 1 - Coinage in Greece

TRUE/FALSE/Not Given questions
Questions to answer with one word.....the weight of the smallest coin 0.15g ....the picture king on the surface.... name given to the coin....owl
a diagram to complete on the process of the preparation of coins by using reverse die ,using the mint metal.

Passage 2 - culture of a ? tribe group in Africa

Passage 3 - Science Fictions -------Was very difficult
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Re: Complete exam summary - Sri Lanka - 28 July 2014

Post by atmahesh »

Exam is same in IDP India --Academic on 26th July 2014.
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