I would like to thank Ryan for his effective method of teaching. I tried lots of different techniques but yours undoubtedly the best.
Also, you do a great job as tutor.
I recommend to everyone to send essays to Ryan for examination. It is very helpful and not expensive!
Well done, mate:)
Philipp from Sydney, Australia.
General writing from 6 to 7.5 after 2 weeks of preparations
Re: General writing from 6 to 7.5 after 2 weeks of preparati
Thank you for the kind words, Philipp. Congratulations on the mark!
(I should point out that going from 6 to 7.5 in two weeks is far from typical. Philipp's experience is extremely unique.)
(I should point out that going from 6 to 7.5 in two weeks is far from typical. Philipp's experience is extremely unique.)