please review mine essay

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please review mine essay

Post by economicalindian »

Essay - Nowadays traffic jams are becoming a big problem in most cities and bigger towns. Some people suggest that widening of roads is a solution to this problem. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and suggest a solution to this problem.
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Surely traffic congestion has become a major problem due to large number of vehicles on the road these days. Many people hold the opinion that widening of roads can solve the problem in most of the cities and towns others, however, disagree pointing out that this cannot be permanent solution of the problem. This essay will look at both sides before drawing a logical solution of the problem.

We must acknowledge that in recent years construction of multiple lane highways has solved the problem of traffic congestion in many cities and towns. For example an 8 hours journey between two cities on a single lane road has been reduced to 3 hours. In addition to that Multiple lanes bypass have reduced the traffic congestion at main junctions in the cities.

Nevertheless there are several plausible counters to this solution. Widening of roads will not be possible in most of the metropolitan cities due to land constraint where the problem of traffic congestion is the most severe. Moreover, the ever increasing number of vehicles on the road will nullify the benefits of widening of roads sooner or later.
Although the above arguments provide solid evidence both against and in favour of the widening of road, it is felt that healthiest approach to decrease traffic congestion is to encourage people to use public transport. More public transport users directly translate to less number of vehicles on the road. Thus widening of roads cannot be considered as a universal solution to decrease traffic jams.
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