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Re: IELTS Question for 6th September 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 7:00 am
by hari6143
any one taking exam on sept 20th in india . want to practice , anyone can join with me

Re: IELTS Question for 6th September 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 8:07 am
by asrizefanya
The essay task 1: is about aid received by 4 countries
Task 2: as cities continue to grow, problem grow as well
What is the problem for young people as cities continued to grow?
What are the solution?

Ask about where I live, what I don't like about it, if I could choose, would I love somewhere else
And things about computers
Cue card: reading, what books, why, why do you like the books
And other questions about reading

Re: IELTS Question for 6th September 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 12:15 pm
by vasmrli
Could someone please post answers for today's IELTS test MEI/EU

Test date: 06Sept2014

Please post answers for Listening and Reading.


Re: IELTS Question for 6th September 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 2:36 pm
by lenvasq89
id like to ask what sep6 takers answered for the fishing protocol diagram in the listening part.
my answer was passport number-proof of fishing...-details of license- details of accomodation---->wasnt able to hear this part so just guessed

surprisingly, had a very hard time in listening.

same writing question as above post
speaking questions
old person you respect
how neighbors help old person
are old connecting better with youth
role of old in childcare
what the old can teach to youth
characteristic one must have in caring for elderly
describe ur handwriting
handwriting reflects personality?
is color of ur car important
fave color and why
why writing is impt
fave room in house