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Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 9:40 am
by msarkar
Hi Aditi and sinister_rock,

Could you please share the answers of listening test. I guess, I messed up on the listening test.


Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 10:27 am
by Aditi
Academic reading module answers. its randomly written sorry for that . If you know more than please
• A
• B or C confused( they said that they changed time table due to size of class or music class availability)
• B
• I am confused till 20
• 22( per term)
• Climate
• Promotion( women bear child late due to their workplace)
• Internet
• Culture
• Curtis ( teacher surname)
GT reading answer:
• Wheelchair accessible( d)
• Stable for riders( b)
• Cooking facility( a)
• Banquet ( e)

t/f/ng was about 13 question.. I am too upset for it.
Last section was about sheep and my answer were
• Sheep confused with man and women face.( NG
• Friend with dog. NG
• Sheep think human as sheep ..something like that .( T)

Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 10:41 am
by arsmet
Listening seemed to be harder then before to me.
I became confused and missed some answers. :(
I have received 7.5, 8, 8 in recent IELTS listening exams, but now I just expect to receive 6.5 or 7 :cry:
Believe it or not, it was harder than normal.

Share the answers that you remember

Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 11:03 am
by Aditi
That is for sure. It was very hard. My recent results for listening were 8, 8.5 and 9, now I am afraid that it will be around 6.
Very disappointing performance, please share your answer.

Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 11:37 am
by Aditi
My speaking questions were:
Where are you from?
Why do people celebrate birthdays with family and friends?
How do people celebrate birthday in your country.
What do you do on the weekends?
When do you think people do shopping?
What are the things people usually shop?
Cue card:
Talk about the thing that you purchase but was very less in use.
What is the item?
Where and when did you buy it?
Reasons for not using it

Do you think recycling is necessary? Why
What are the benefits of shopping in shopping centre?
What are the disadvantages?
Do you think paper are only produced from trees or is there any alternatives?

One of my friends was asked about laws
Cue card
Talk about the law that is important in your country
Why is it imp
What government does?
I hope that will help

Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 11:42 am
by msarkar
Hi Aditi,

I remember some of the answers not in order, though I am not at all confident.

Professional learnings
Test results

This was my first attempt and I am totally frustrated with my performance. I need 6 at least. What band you are aiming at?

Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:09 pm
by Aditi
Hello msarkar,

i think all those answer are right because i did the same though I am confused with urbanization ... one was transportation

Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:40 pm
by mrmacarong
changed location

Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:49 pm
by arsmet
I took GENERAL test in IRAN, and our listening questions seem to be different of those mentioned above!
For example, section one was about talking to an agent for renting a house somewhere.
section 2 was about an student with a recent injury in his finger, and so on. :!:

Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 1:08 pm
by ieltsband8
arsmet wrote:I took GENERAL test in IRAN, and our listening questions seem to be different of those mentioned above!
For example, section one was about talking to an agent for renting a house somewhere.
section 2 was about an student with a recent injury in his finger, and so on. :!:
arsmet would you like to share your writing task 1 and task 2 topics for todays exam please.

Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 1:32 pm
by arsmet
ieltsband8 wrote:
arsmet wrote:I took GENERAL test in IRAN, and our listening questions seem to be different of those mentioned above!
For example, section one was about talking to an agent for renting a house somewhere.
section 2 was about an student with a recent injury in his finger, and so on. :!:
arsmet would you like to share your writing task 1 and task 2 topics for todays exam please.

Task 1:
You have been studying a course at a night school and you are unhappy with some parts of this course. write a letter to the School Director. In your letter:
- explain details about the course
- tell him/her about the problems
- ask about the action that you want to do related to those issues

Task 2:
Nations try to hold sporting events in their countries. some people say it would be beneficial, others say it would bring problems.
Discus both views and express your own...

Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 4:54 pm
by aneeb
I also appeared from Pakistan and got the same test as arsmet. One of the listening topics was a lecture by a person regarding her research on pine Scott trees and its uses and another regarding some community efforts in gardening etc . The reading section was easy, completed 20min earlier than the allocated time and had sufficient time to recheck my answers twice. There was one passage regarding parking facilities at the airport, second was regarding safety at workplace and preventing accidents and spills, third one was ergonomics of mouse and keyboard and fourth was an article on Maldives and their environmental protection efforts.

Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 5:00 pm
by aneeb
One of the tips I would give for reading section is to read questions first then skim through the passages to find relevant points to answer the questions, rather than reading the entire passage first because you might spend extra time to comprehend some difficult information which is not even asked in the questions that follow.

Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 5:20 pm
by ieltsband8
aneeb wrote:I also appeared from Pakistan and got the same test as arsmet. One of the listening topics was a lecture by a person regarding her research on pine Scott trees and its uses and another regarding some community efforts in gardening etc . The reading section was easy, completed 20min earlier than the allocated time and had sufficient time to recheck my answers twice. There was one passage regarding parking facilities at the airport, second was regarding safety at workplace and preventing accidents and spills, third one was ergonomics of mouse and keyboard and fourth was an article on Maldives and their environmental protection efforts.
@ arsmet thanks for sharing the essay and letter topics i truly appreciate that.

@ aneeb how did your test go? i hope you get your desired score btw where about from Pakistan are you? i'm from karachi it would be nice if you could recommend me any institute for ielts preparation.

Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 11:45 pm
by Elbira
Hello guys
I'm in Canada and the questions are totally different from the other countries!!!
I thought that it's going to be global and all are the same..
Wish you all the best

Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 11:49 pm
by Elbira
arsmet wrote:I took GENERAL test in IRAN, and our listening questions seem to be different of those mentioned above!
For example, section one was about talking to an agent for renting a house somewhere.
section 2 was about an student with a recent injury in his finger, and so on. :!:
Your listening exam is similer to the one in Canada
By the way how many hours different between Iran and Canada ontario
May be next time I can know the Qs before entering the exam

Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 4:18 am
by arsmet
Elbira wrote:
arsmet wrote:I took GENERAL test in IRAN, and our listening questions seem to be different of those mentioned above!
For example, section one was about talking to an agent for renting a house somewhere.
section 2 was about an student with a recent injury in his finger, and so on. :!:
Your listening exam is similer to the one in Canada
By the way how many hours different between Iran and Canada ontario
May be next time I can know the Qs before entering the exam

There's an 8 hour difference between Ontario, CANADA and IRAN. So it works!

Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 12:30 pm
by mr_masry
Anyone here from Egypt or even the Middle east who can check the listening answers with me ?

Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 2:05 am
by nekita
Hi, can anyone took exam in the USA share their exam questions please?

Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 3:14 am
by Sham
Arsmet! Please, add me to your skype: shamshodonline. I had the same exam, lets share our experience!

Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 4:04 am
by aneeb
[quote="@ aneeb how did your test go? i hope you get your desired score btw where about from Pakistan are you? i'm from karachi it would be nice if you could recommend me any institute for ielts preparation.[/quote]

I'm from Lahore, I need to score Band 7 for each component. I didn't join any institute due to my job timings. I practiced reading and listening components online, from various websites. Faltered a bit in speaking because I finished in less than 2min but fluency was there, let's see what score I'm awarded.

Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 4:46 am
by arsmet
Sham wrote:Arsmet! Please, add me to your skype: shamshodonline. I had the same exam, lets share our experience!
sure, c u on skype.

Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 2:03 pm
by nekita
rainshine wrote:hi iam new here.. I still dont know how to use this site... me too im planning to take my exam this october 2 but as early as now i want to practice my speaking can i add you on skype?


I will take the exam in USA on 2nd Oct as well. where are you going to take the exam? We can share the questions each other. :D

Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 2:30 pm
by nekita
hi, I just don't know how post a new topic. Can anyone help me please?

Re: IELTS Questions for 20th of September 2014

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 3:00 pm
by sanjuz
arsmet wrote:I took GENERAL test in IRAN, and our listening questions seem to be different of those mentioned above!
For example, section one was about talking to an agent for renting a house somewhere.
section 2 was about an student with a recent injury in his finger, and so on. :!:

I am looking for answers of exam 20 Sep 2014
I am from India attend the Exam IELTS GT on 20th Sep.

Listening Section 1: Agent talking about house rent and Section 4 Pine Woods.

Reading: Section 3 - Rockstar Bands Albums

Can I have answers for Reading & Listening.

And for Writing the somehow I write only 246 Words and last moment I counted are they going to deduct the half band for not 250 words in essay task 2