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Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:01 pm
by jnayonika
Childhood is the most important phase of life when every individual develops the foundataion of their personality. In many cultures and societes it is a strong believe that to be sucessful as an adult, children should follow very strict rules of behaviour. In contradiction to this some people believe, let the children do whatever they want to, this will make them more self-dependent and confident. I agree, that let the children do what they want to do with a miniscule boundary that ensure safety of children. Below I shall further expand my views along with merits of each opinion.

It is normally seen that the one who follow strict rules of behaviour do well in academics. Also, they follow the rules and regulations and work within their jurisdiction, which eventually safe guards them from possible failures in life. I reckon, during my primary education my top rank classmate, she used to work under very strict schedule and follow very strict behaviour. To my belief this was the many reason for her to be so successful in in studies also, later she topped the toughest exam in our country as well.

On the contrary, children who are allowed to do almost anything they want, they learn from their own mistakes which help them rise as a confident adult. Also they are more self-dependent as they are aware that they have to pay for their own deeds as no one is going to scold them for their actions. I as an individual grown in a similar environment, and I see myself as confident adult who does not fear in doing anything new. As since my childhood I always did new things on my own which helped me work beyond my boundaries. To add, most of the poineers in this world had spent their childhood in a similar surroundings without restrictions.

In conclusion, my opinion is let children do whatever they want to do, just ensure it is safe and do not seriously impact other people within the society.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 5:41 pm
by leeza
Bringing up a child has been a tough job for parents all around the world. Some prefer to let them assess whatever they desire so that they can lead better and independent life while others constrain them to be bound by strict rules and regulations. Both point of views will be discussed in this essay before some reasonable conclusion can be withdrawn.

Some cultures, particularly western, are generous about the future of their kids that let them to explore and experience life as they wish. Such free culture make the kids broadminded providing plenty of options to choose that might be from study, career and life itself. Kids lead life of liberty with passion of doing something they actually want. For instance, as usually seen Americans and Europeans are open enough to exploit the opportunities in comparison to the Asian counterparts. Western culture allow much of liberty in relation to eastern culture that focus on activities resulting in increased independence and confidence. As the example proves freedom leaves person with developing self as a strong, independent and confident person .
Unlike, western, eastern culture strictly follow some code of conducts heading to disciplined and mannered lifestyle. These rules are believed to maintain minimal flaws. In my personal experience, I remember when my father made me to follow tight schedule to make sure I did not waste my time in unjustified activities. This example of mine makes it clear that some rules and code of conducts direct the disciplined way of living. This prevent kids from indulging into wrong activities.

Having both point of views discussed, it is recommended to be in amidst of circumstances as being too strict or releasing much of freedom both can be harmful. Hence, a proper balance should be maintained between the strictness and liberty in order to get dual benefit.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:42 am
by Kim
Children are the future of our world. That is why the way kids are brought up is undoubtedly very important. Some people believe that strict rules should be used to teach toddlers how to behave. This essay agrees with the opinion and states some reasons why.

Firstly, it could be seen that tough rules would make kids afraid of sharing things with their parents. They might think of their mother and father as a dictator, rather than their loved ones who they could talk and share their stories with. That may lead to no communication among family members and consequently children could feel more difficult to deal with any problems that they might have.

Even though some individuals may not support to use strict rules, I strongly believe that it should be used by some reasons. First of all, children have not shaped a behavior yet, thus they definitely need a set of strict rules to guide and make them follow. For example, in some Asian cultures, such as Vietnam and China, it is a tradition that kids must be treated strictly by family rules. That will make them understand rights and wrongs, so that they should obey the law of society later. In particular, young children have to greet older people and their parents in a nice way every time they go out or come back the house. Secondly, if no tough rules is implemented to teach kids how to behave, they easily fall into wrong doings. For instance, young teenagers sometimes pick up smoking in high school as their bad friends pursue. This is when strict rules should be used to make kids aware of their bad behavior and stop that.

To sum up, although tough rules might bring side effect to the family relationship, it undoubtedly should be used to help kids shape a good behavior in their early years.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 12:08 pm
by student
Thanks for giving us this opportunity.It is very helpful for people who are not taking any classes for their IELTS preparation.I will take my test this month on 15th.I come across your website today.Its less time left now.I hope you will check and estimate my band before the date because i have no idea at all where i stand.its my first attempt and i require 6 band overall..Thanks again for all your efforts.
Here is my try to write essay..

This world has various types of cultures all across the globe because of the variety of nature of humans.Some cultures restrict their children to specific rules and regulations while other cultures allow their children to do whatever they wish.This essay will discuss the merits of both opinions.

In eastern society which includes most of the parts of Asia,there are very strict rules for children from their parents.This,however,has both benefits and bad effects.Children are bound to special rules made by their families.For example,they have to wake up and sleep even by the order of their family.They are not allowed to behave indecent even they are of the age to play and have fun.In order to succeed in society,these etiquette will help them to be independent and survive in the tough situation.However, these rules stop the child to move around and learn things themselves by facing the difficulties in the society.

On the other hand,some cultures like western, leave their children on their own,so that they can learn to move in the society by their own experience.Children can behave in whatever the way they want.This has some advantages,as they are free to make their own choices.They become independent and confident in the early age as compared to other cultures.It has also some dangerous effects.As they have no check on them,this leads to number of factors,for example,drinking,smoking,drug addiction etc so early.

I belong to a mixture of above two cultures where parents have check on their children and they are allowed to make their own decisions with the help of guidance of parents.

To conclude,both cultures have its own pros and cons.So,there should be lineancy in strict rules while others should look after their children.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 3:50 am
by robdrake
Just to practice - -

In some cultures, children are expected to follow very strict rules of behaviour. In other cultures, children are allowed to do almost anything they want. What are the merits of each opinion? What is your position on the matter? Include relevant examples in your response.


Parenting has always been a cultural debate in the society, there are parents who feel it is necessary to be totalitarian where the children are expected to be obedient, while there are others who feel permissive parenting is more prevalent as it allows children to be liberated in their pursuits. In this essay, I will examine scenarios of two differing parenting method, as well as the pitfalls and the advantages before coming into a conclusion.

On the one hand, parents who adopt a totalitarian approach in rearing their children are highly engaged in their children's development. Interestingly, many associate such parenting as "Asian example" which deemed Asian parents are more aggressive and devoted in raising their offspring. To illustrate this point, it is a common trend within Asian parents to assist their children in their schoolwork, and pressure them by attending extra tuition after school. Albeit such parenting may compel them to work harder academically as well as preserving the value of filial piety within the culture, some argued that this method could strain their self-esteem and may results in difficulty adapting to foreign societies.

On the another hand, there are parents who believe that democratic parenting is the better approach in raising the children. Advocates for such method regard it as Western-centric due to the principles of fairness and independence, and by the world large seen to be more progressive. For example, many parents who hold this belief usually listen to their kids, and with reasonable boundaries allow them to pursue their interests as long they are constructive to the society. However, there are opposing view to the leniency as parenthood will be degraded into friendships, and these adolescent who are given such self-regulated freedom may be less academically inclined than their peers.

Overall, I believe that every culture has a counterculture, the polarizing debate of child-raising will continue to emerge as the world progresses. I therefore conclude that parents today should adopt a more situational and democratic approach in raising their children. To put it another way, parents should be active and responsive in providing guidance to their children when it is necessary, particularly in academic as well as life in general, by listening to their needs and not excessively impede their freedom. So the children will have a sense of belonging to themselves and to the society, moreover they will feel confident and responsible to prosper their own future.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:18 am
by suju
It is well known to everyone that all the children around the world are nurtured in different culture.In some culture,parents impose strict rules for their youngster, while other believe they should be freed.Thus, this is very complex issue to justify one of them is correct because both of them have certain benefits for the development of children, which will be discussed prior to reaching reasoned conclusion.
In detail,children in Asian countries, particularly in China ,Pakistan, India children are guided to follow the rules and regulation, regulated by their ancestor and society. For instance, children are taught how to spend their leisure time doing what activities , how to respect, which food not to eat and drink.Thus, this helps children firstly, they become responsible and respectful.Secondly, they turn respectful adult citizens of the country and finally, they are virtually free from negative tasks like drug abuse, prostitutions.However,this approach limits child's ability to think out of box.They lost innovation
On the other hand, in another culture mostly in western world, like Europe and America youngster are not forced with specific rules and regulations to be followed.Children are free to do almost all activities they want.To illustrate,youngster decide themselves what they like to do in their off time.What is important, children become more creative, they develop capacity to explore new ideas .Furthermore, they use their own creation to shape their future in chosen profession.But on the contrary, absolute freedom sometimes can be dangerous, children may be misguided, for example, a child falls prey for drug abuse or rubbery.
To sum up, after analysing this two points of view, it is believed that both ways of upbringing child has their own advantages.It is felt that letting child to be free, also at the same time parents guiding them about good and bad would probably shape every child future to be better one.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 2:06 pm
by Chi
In some cultures, children are expected to follow very strict rules of behaviour. In other cultures, children are allowed to do almost anything they want. What are the merits of each opinion? What is your position on the matter? Include relevant examples in your response.


Hi Rob,

I must say you have a good range of vocabulary in this essay which makes me really sweat! - I actually had to look up quite a few words. I guess all of the active reading and taking notes are paying off :D

- My first comment is that the question actually asks "What are the merits of each opinion". From what I understand, it requires us to point out the worthiness of each parenting method or at least what they claim to be worthy. The question didn't ask us to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each parenting method, so if you do want to retort each of these opinions, I suggest you add that to a separate paragraph before arriving to your conclusion.

- "Interestingly, many associate such parenting as "Asian example" which deemed Asian parents are more aggressive and devoted in raising their offspring." - Not sure why you used past tense here. Maybe you meant " which deems Asian parents more aggressive and devoted in raising their offspring".

- Your second paragraph, I don't really see the rationale of the lenient parenting believers. All you said is they claim it is better approach but there is little backup.

- Because you didn't make any strong argument for either group, I feel your conclusion is not strong. Even if you choose to be in between, I think you should still make it clear why.

Just few comments, I hope it helps somehow. Let me know if you disagree with me at any point.


P.S - My test is next week already, and I am extremely nervous. I am more nervous than any exams that I previously had!

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:36 pm
by kyliemiriam
My answer and I am really sure if it helps secure an 8 so give comment please please and please!...

The comparison between different styles of parental methods, namely Eastern & Western method has generated a lot of heated debate over which method is better. There is no doubt that parental methods are vital to the well-being for children. I believe that a strict parental method is better for both parents and children. Merits of both sides will be discussed first.

Firstly, children are expected to follow a set of strict rules especially in Eastern cultures which parents are more authoritarian. It is believed that a stricter set of rules can train children’s discipline, especially respect towards elder people in the society. A lot of research has also indicated that children who have harsher parents will also excel a lot better at school. They will learn to behave so they are less likely to cause when they grow into teenagers.

On the other hand, there are cultural norms which signify that children should be allowed to do as they wish and they should be allowed to develop their talent on their own. It is thought that children will learn to deal with difficulties so they are more independent when they become adults. Children who are raised under a more relaxed environment may cause trouble but they can learn from their mistakes.

In my opinion, I think that a stricter rules will allow children to mature better. Children need to know that they should learn before they are allowed to make their own decisions. Parents who operate a more restricted environment are also able to signal to their kids who is in charge. Obviously, parents can choose to relax the rules occasionally but the bottom line is that children should know that there is a framework to follow.

In conclusion, an environment in which children follow a set of scrupulous rules allows them to become a better person. To nurture them, it is important for them to get to know the framework to become mature adults.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 4:10 am
by banchisam
Firstly, behaviours are very important part when raising a kid. It could be under strict rules or could be free. Different cultures have different customs on this matter. Most of the Asian, Arabic, and some Easters European countries does have strict rules when raising a child, where as in contrast countries like America, Canada, Australia and united kingdom allows kids to grow up freely. There are many merits on this matter and I’m going to consider both sides of this argument and draw a conclusion.
Many Cultures such as Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, has very strict rules of behaviours when raising a child. In some of these cultures girls are not allowed to play with boys and outside of the house. Children must follow their time tables at all times. The reasons behind these strict rules are it allows kids to follow a path for a successful future. When they are on a routine they have knowledge about what they are capable of doing and learn to respect and obey the rules.
In contrast, some cultures raise their children on free style. Children can take their own decisions and they can decide what to do with their life and future. For an example kids can choose what they want to study at school and follow the path which they like. This allows kids to develop the ability of independency and build up the confidence when taking decisions and also they get more creative in life.
When I grew up In Sri Lanka, my child hood was bounded in semi strict rules. I was able to do things on my opinion up to considerable level but also have to obey the rules which are given by my parents on some matters. For an example I can go and play after school with my friends but have to come home before 5 pm and I must finish my homework before the bed time. This allowed me to learn how to manage my time between studies and play, thus gave me the ability to plan my daily routine.
In conclusion, there are many merits of both free style and strict rules behaviours. Mainly Both ways allows kids to develop their skills such as creativity, time management and team work.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 11:42 am
by nadee
In many countries, children's behavior has a major part of the culture, since down of time. It could be commonly seen, children expected to follow strict rules are beneficial to the society as well as to themselves having disciplined minds which leads to less criminal environment. However, being allowed children to behave freely may conduct them to be independent; hence, a generation with strong personality will be granted.Therefore, it could be argued, balance between those two extremes is inevitable.
Firstly, tighten up children's behavior by strict rules gets them focusing on academic education. For instance, Sri Lanka has 98% of literacy where children are required to bound with cultural rules such as not allowing them to go out at night. Thus they have less interruption and more time available for studies. This reduces the crime rate of school-age children as their time is effectively being used for educational purposes. Nevertheless, being ruled as a kid ruins children's future having them socially isolated.
Secondly, children in countries like Australia tend to be more independent being freed from rules and grow up more intellectually, learning how to use their own sense. On the contrary, boundless freedom takes them to be attached with alcohol/drugs as they spend more time not engaging in educational activities. This could be proven looking at the example of my friend who I met in Australia and regrets about past where he was not influenced to study but to go out frequently and addicted to alcohol. For this reason his concentration for studies was interrupted and he wishes if somebody had to ruled him in strict manner he would have had better status of living. Consequently, it could be established, each view has pros and cons.
In conclusion, i would recommend that, cultural rules have to be balanced neither be strictly tighten nor be limitlessly loosen.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 2:38 am
by mari
Some cultures emphasize on the freedom of the children and consider liberation the absolute right of anyone even at early childhood. While certain ethnicity, defy the concept of freedom to children and recommends strictness to it. People having these two differences of opinion state their own favorable logics to support.
Several societies believe that too much exposure to the world at initial stages of life may lead to hazardous circumstances. Children should be monitored closely and should be biding by civilized rules so that they may not indulge themselves conveniently available inadequate activities. For instance, as world wide web has made all sorts of sources (good & bad) are accessible easily and youth can access substandard site leisurely. Therefore, in country like Pakistan people restrain their kids of excess usage of internet. Consequently, constant supervision should be adopted for children safety, health and betterment.
An idea of doing things at your own exhibits not only a sense of confidence but also privileges youth to understand environment closely with personal wisdom and encounter. For example, in western countries like America children are given liberty to go out often as they wish and are provided separate rooms for their privacy. It builds conviction in child to familiarize things independently. These practices encourage kids to judge various aspects of life through personal acquaintances. Thus, endeavors openness to society, practical exposure, boldness and self assurance.
In my opinion, freedom and strictness should go side by side. Neither children be kept so obstructed that could offend them nor should they be liberalize to do whatever they want. Well –advised limited freedom is an intelligent gesture to be accustomed for balanced brought-up of children.

I am looking forward to your respond...

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 11:11 am
by pieter harms
Clearly, the way children are asked to behave is strongly depended on the country where they live. Some nations prefer clear rules and their youngest have to obey them. Other countries allow their kids to do what they want and leave them completely free. Both ideas have their advantages.

Firstly, the more rigid way. By offering a strict pattern of expectations and creating clear rules children get used to discipline. They will experience that when they listen to their parents and obey the teacher they will reach something. When this is taught in childhood they will use this skill as an adult. As a result they will do better at school and it will be easier to stay focused on their study. A better study will give them more career opportunities.

However, allowing children to do what they want has also its advantages. In this way children are given the opportunity to develop creativity. When children are not told what they should do, they will experiment. Experimenting means learning by trial and error. This encourages their ability to be creative and teaches them that they can do things their selves. For example when a child after many attempts eventually manages to repair a bike’s tire, it is a major boost for its self esteem.

In conclusion both ways have their merits. Therefore in my opinion there is no preferable way how children should behave. I think it is strongly depending on the child and the situation. Therefore adults should adjust their expectations constantly for an optimal development.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:47 am
by allen_zhang
In some cultures, children are expected to follow very strict rules of behaviour. In other cultures, children are allowed to do almost anything they want. What are the merits of each opinion? What is your position on the matter? Include relevant examples in your response

It is true that the ideology on children upbringing varies from culture to culture. In some countries, especially those in Asia, children are often required to follow strict rules, whereas many western parents prefer to give more autonomy to their kids.

On the one hand, there are several benefits of giving strict control on children’s behavior. One major benefit of this parenting style is that children can learn to respect authorities and will be more disciplined. This explains why the crime rate in Asian countries such as China and Japan is far lower than that of some western countries. Furthermore, children in Asian countries have higher academic performance than their western counterparts. This is also attributed to the tradition of strict regulation these Asian children get from their parents.

On the other hand, some people believe that giving more freedom to children is more beneficial to the well-being of children and society. To begin with, children are more likely to have a happy childhood if they are given more autonomy. While Asian school boys and girls are busy working on their piles of homework, many western children can enjoy wider range of activities like, for example, playing sports games and having parties. Without a doubt, childhood will be much more enjoyable for these lucky western young ages. Another potential merit of this kind of parenting style is that children under less restriction tend to be more creative. Society will finally benefit from this when a more creative generation of children grow up. This is probably why most innovative and creative companies are located in western countries.

In conclusion, from my point of view, for the well-being of children and the creativity of society, it would be better to give the young generation more freedom.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:30 am
by jmundo
Discussion type

In some cultures, children are expected to follow very strict rules of behaviour. In other cultures, children are allowed to do almost anything they want. What are the merits of each opinion? What is your position on the matter? Include relevant examples in your response.

Historically, culture has been known to vary in every country throughout the world. What is acceptable and being practiced in one culture may not seem to be agreeable in another. In this regard, some cultures expect the children to abide by very strict rules of behavior, while other cultures limitlessly allow the children to do what they want. The merits of both sides will be critiqued before a well- reasonable conclusion is drawn.

Firstly, children who were raised in an environment with strict cultural principles of command often grow up as disciplined and well-mannered individuals. In some Asian countries, in the Philippines for example, chlidren at an earliest age of understanding are taught to follow certain behaviors in dealing with elderlies. Not answering them back in a rude way, or prioritizing in the lane basically embody this way of upbringing. As a result, children who are demanded to follow a set of rules and behaviors usually show respect and kindness to others.

However, in some cultures children are not forced to behave under the pressure of standard rules of conduct. Hence, they are permitted to do anything possible. This way of discipline oftentimes opens up avenues for the children in quest for adventures and exploration. Thus, children experience autonomy with corresponding consequences at young age. This fortifies their flexibilty and control over things which later on will guide them in their full emancipation in future life.

After analyzing the rewards brought by how some cultures demand the children to follow rigid rules of behaviors and how some others freely allow the children to act on their way, it is clear that imposing relatively significant rules and principles of conduct for children to abide by opens up avenues for developing more disciplined and respectful adults. Thus it is recommended that this cultural practice will be emphasized more clearly in a family, being the basic unit of society.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 9:31 am
by jesus
Since the dawn of the human civilization, people have been continuously practicing cultures throughout their life. However, the concept of culture is lopsided the world over. In my opinion, the tradition will be plausible if it permits the children to do whatever they want. The beneficial areas of this approach to provide freedom to children and create productive manpower will be analyzed thoroughly with actionable evidences.

Firstly, when the society sets youths free from cultural restrictions, they can expose their creativity properly. For example, most Nepalese doctors in both private and government hospitals, especially in Bir hospital and Gandaki health centre, are females. Despite the cultural belief that young girls should not be educated, when they are involved in education field, they prosper and become a key member of society. In lights of this, there should be restrictions free civilization.

Additionally, while adopting a single cultural pattern for long term is preposterous, following civilization without any strict rules can help a nation to create more productive manpower. The noticeable differences between education level of European and Asian young students will embodies this idea perfectly. Therefore, if culture does not hinder the young students academic performance, they can contribute anything to the world through their proper knowledge and understanding. What this means is that children must be encouraged to step ahead of the shadow of the cultural restrictions.

After the analyzation of merits of restrictions free civilization to create productive manpower and deliver freedom to children, it is believed that the tradition should not educate youths to adopt its blind rules, but encourage them to do what they aspire. It is thus recommended that people must interpret the culture according to their present situations, rather than situations according to the culture.

Words= 291

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 8:34 am
by Ecro
It is believed that kids in some parts of the world are bound to follow strict rules regardless of their own opinions. However, in some other parts of the world, children can do whatever they want to be doing.

On the one hand, following strict rules can teach children to be disciplined. For instance, a kid who has had strict parent will know how to manage his own time and suppress internal desires and feelings to achieve what he wants. Also, generally kids who had expecting parents achieve higher grades, because they’re expected to get them. Moreover, there will be a smaller chance of them getting addicted to something, as their parents probably strictly watched their development,

On the other hand, kids who were given more space by their parents might be more outgoing and have better relationships as they grow up. However, those kids would be able to do almost whatever they wanted, so when someone of authority told them to do something, they might be reluctant to do it. Secondly, they are probably enjoying life more as they have different types of entertainment to please their needs. Although that might reflect on their grades, as kids who are allowed to do a lot of things, tend to forget about school and other important things in life.

Overall, I think that the most optimal solution for parents would be to be strict when it is needed, and to give their children the freedom they want from time to time, hence they’ll know what the world is like from both sides and let them choose which one they like the most.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 1:51 pm
by joyweib
In various cultures, certain rules can be found and one is how children should behave. Some cultures allow children to have freedom in all aspects while some are restricted to specific rules. Nevertheless, both have advantages in molding the behaviors of children which I will elaborate in my essay.

Firstly, some countries in the Middle East possess laws which people should abide strictly and one of these is how the children should behave. For instance, children are being sent to exclusive schools for boys and girls wherein there is no chance to mingle with the opposite sex, even after school. Moreover, their behaviours are confined by laws that they should wear proper attire, not being allowed to go out on dates and engage in relationships. The benefits to this is pre-marital sex will be avoided and they would be conservative in nature avoiding to be sexually harassed. Thus, following strict rules of behavior is somewhat beneficial.

In contrast, some cultures allow children to be liberated. For instance, Western and Asian countries are not that much concern in restricting the behaviours of children. Regardless of the age, they allow these children to do whatever they want in means of school, at home, and in the community. For example, children in the community are allowed to voice out their concerns in means of youth groups allowed by the government. This is beneficial for the development of a child’s behaviour because it will enable them to develop self-importance and confidence in themselves. Therefore, having such freedom in children gives merit.

In my point of view, giving such freedom to children is more advantageous than restricting their behaviours because they are individuals who deserve to grow freely, happy and satisfied throughout their lives. On the other hand, the outcome of children's behaviours still depends on themselves regardless of the rules.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 5:44 pm
by Kushan
Children, on whose face the future of the nation is witnessed, therefore their upbringing must be superb.Hence, every children are anticipated to follow very stringent behavior in some culture while in some the way of following certain habbits does not matter at all. This essay will discuss the glittering gold of both strict and non strict behavior to be followed and the dark-reality behind following such habit pattern.

On the one hand, following strict behavior, firstly, often catalyze a good as well as a healthy lifestyle , a high moral valued person for the society and the nation as well. For example in eastern part of countries(India, Burma) from the childhood, children made to follow a disciplined time-table of the whole day. Which makes them to use their time preciously and efficiently. Moreover time is the precious gem of human life. secondly, Traits like martinetism, ethical values start manifesting in their childhood attitude. Children start developing the wisdom to classify what is good for them and what will be malicious for them. But following such rigorous behavior tends to make them too hard or even a person with heart of stone and children often become hostile, petrified if their guardian or parents are too harsh with them. For example, some parents easily loose their mind when their offspring unable to fulfill their anticipation of executing a specific behavior and they reward their progeny with atrocious punishment. Such type of penalty open up the avenue of hostility, adamant and they become abject. Thus these type of behavior is egregious for parents, nation and society as well.

On the other hand, following no behavior lifestyle, firstly opens up the door of a uncivilized and highly unethical ways of living. Secondly, traits like indolence, non-moral character and even more nasty quality starts developing for example a criminal, a lecher, a misanthropist. For instance our history and even our society is evident a children who did not commence a strict and schedule life often ends up becoming a notorious person. Besides this, some kids by the virtue of their parents deeds and habit pattern do become a boon for society.

In conclusion with aforesaid discussion, the stringent behavioral pattern have many benefits over following no behavioral pattern followed by children. But excess of everything is awful, so following tough and tight laws is essential with light punishment so that a children can correlate the loss which they gained by not following a specific behavior will acts as a precursor towards shining future.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 5:42 am
by jacklincicily
In many parts of the world,children are taught to follow strict rules of behavior both at home and school as opposed to that some coutries, where children are free to behave and do as they wish. However, in my opinion I believe that children should follow certain rules of behavior and at the same time parents and teachers allow them free to do their tasks in order to make them understand the value of behavior and attitude in their life, otherwise nobody will teach them about this form of conduct when they grow older. This essay shall discuss the merits of these opinions and explain further my point of view.

At the outset, children are allowed to behave as they wish at schools and home in western countries like Australia ,USA and Europian countries.They are free to express their opinion on the subject matter they deal with and feel free to behave as they wish infront of anyone.One obvious reason behind the freedom of children is that to develop their independent behavior and creative thinking according to the situation they are likely to face.Otherwise learned rules may hinder their emotional as well as psychological well being.For example,many children who study in foreign countries have high range of individuality,which helps them to plan their career and take wise decisions in future.

On the otherhand,children from certain nations, where strict rules are imposed on children have some advantages.One major influence is culture and religion in which children are carved to an organized pattern of life therefore they learn to follow certain rules which are approved from their own culture. For example, children from developing countries such as India and china are followed pattern of rules at schools such as children should stand up when the teacher enters the class room and wish them.By following such practices at home and school help children to adapt good manners and to have a optimal conduct.

In my point of view,I reiterate that children should be allowed to behave appropriately as they wish and they should also be taught good mannerisms in order to mould a good is better to teach children as the way they behave so that later in their life they may not regret.
I would be greatful if someone can coorect my essays please.................................... :roll: