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Plz asses my speaking

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 2:00 pm
by RonyM
Ielts exam questions and answers
Ielts speaking
(6.55 MiB) Downloaded 1010 times

Re: Plz asses my speaking

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 8:32 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner
Hello Rony!

Fluency - Very good over the later answers. The first few answers were too short.

Coherence - Very good use of a wide range of connectives, at least in later answers.

Vocabulary - Overall, good, but some answers were very short. Always develop your answers to give the examiner the chance to give you a higher vocab score.

Grammar - Very good basic grammar, but you need to use a wider variety of complex structures (clauses, conditionals).

Pronunciation - Very clear with good intonation. Try to add some stress to emphasise key words.

Overall, good, but there are some very simple ways for you to improve.

All the best,