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please comment on graph report

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 9:00 am
by Tina
The graph below compares the changes in the birth rates of China and the USA between 1920 and 2000.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

The graph illustrates the trend of birth rates of two countries China and USA from 1990 to 2000. To begin with, the birth rate was 10%for both the countries and the trend followed almost the same pattern for a decade from 1920 to 1930.

Thereafter, the birth rate of China rose steeply from 10 to 15% in next 5 years followed by a nosedive in 1940. The birth rate plateaued for further 5 years and later showed a peak up to 20 % in 1950 and then plummeted to 11% in 1955. Afterward, the graph showed gradual decline in next half of the century and reached 3%in 2000.

Meanwhile, USA also showed a volatile trend from 1930 to 1940 and birth rate dived from 11 to 5 % in 1945. Later on the birth rate increased exponentially for further 5 years but remained less than the peak value of china. The graph showed modest decline in birth rate for next half of the century and reached up to 6% in 2000.

Overall, the graph showed lot of similarities but USA showed less fluctuation as compared to china and birth rate for USA remained higher than china from 1950 till 2000. Although the trend was very similar during this period.

Re: please comment on graph report

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 9:06 am
by Tina
Hello Everyone ,

Please let me know about my grammatical mistakes or your views .


Re: please comment on graph report

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:29 pm
by drvishalmahajan
one major mistake i can mark is regarding that birth rate mean children per 1000 population and its not percentage as written by you.

Re: please comment on graph report

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 3:10 pm
by Tina
Thanks a lot . I completely agree with you . I think in exam they will clearly show the values in details as it was not displayed in this chart . Still thanks for your advice .

More criticism is encouraged .