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an organised event

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:11 pm
by Muxtar
Hello everyone,

Please listen to my record and grade it

Re: an organised event

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:28 pm
by lmoore
Hi, Muxtar,

Your speaking in this post was confident and moved at a good pace. You addressed the points asked in the speaking prompt, and you chose an interesting topic. Your vocabulary was good (spectators, quarrel, etc.)

Here are some areas you might consider working on:
1.) Fluency - Although your overall fluency was good, you say "uh" many times, which detracts from your overall rate of speech and its comprehensibility. If you need time to think, try a filler phrase once in a while, such as "I'm gathering my thoughts."
2.) Verb tenses - Overall, you used the correct verb tenses, but you once said, "When we go there, we witness fantastic things." I was not sure whether you said "witnessed" or not, but the present tense "go" is not the correct verb since you are talking about something that happened in the past. Instead, you might have said, "When we went there, we witnessed some fantastic sights." (I said "sights" here to avoid using the vague, unspecific word "things.")

Keep practicing, and best wishes!

Re: an organised event

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 6:34 am
by Muxtar
hi,thanks for listening and assess