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Please review my GT Task 2. Thanks a lot.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 11:03 am
by Dzzz
Some people think that schools should select students according to their academic abilities, while others believe that it is better to have students with different abilities studying together. Discuss both views and state your own opinion.

The idea of separate education for students with high academic skills has long been supported by many people and schools across the world. While others say that selecting students with different abilities is better for their eduction. Both view will be analyzed further in this essay and a reasonable opinion will be given.

Those who support separation claim that this will create more competitive environment for talented students, so their skills and abilities will evolve much faster. For example, lots of elite private schools, such as Oxford selecting there student based on their academic abilities. Needless to say that these schools have higher education standards than public schools which does not separate students by their abilities.

Other people believe that separating students by their skills can bring negative effects to their eduction. They say that students with lower abilities can lost their motivation to studying, while if studying together their high-skilled classmates can help them to improve by working as a group on a certain project or task. Besides, there is usually a better social environment in such schools, because students are not under pressure of competitiveness and usually have more collaborative relationships.

It’s obvious that both these points of view have strong support arguments and there is no right or wrong. I, personally, support the idea of studying together, as it puts less stress on students and therefore can bring better results overall. For those who support the opposite point of view, there are lots of schools to chose from, who only select student with high marks and high academic abilities.

Re: Please review my GT Task 2. Thanks a lot.

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:12 am
by VadimKlimenko
Dear Dzzz,

I think your essay is excellent!

I hope my minor suggestions will be useful for you:
... than public schools which does not separate -> than public schools, which do not separate
... lots of elite private schools, such as Oxford selecting there student -> lots of elite private schools, such as Oxford, select students
... lots of schools to chose from, who only select student with -> lots of schools to choose from, which admit students with

Re: Please review my GT Task 2. Thanks a lot.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 8:18 pm
by Flick
Dzzz wrote:Some people think that schools should select students according to their academic abilities, while others believe that it is better to have students with different abilities studying together. Discuss both views and state your own opinion.

The idea of separate education for students with high academic skills has long been supported by many people and schools across the world. While others say that selecting students with different abilities is better for their eduction. Both views will be analyzed further in this essay and a reasonable opinion will be given.

Those who support separation claim that this will create a more competitive environment for talented students, so their skills and abilities will evolve much faster. For example, lots of elite private schools, such as Oxford, selecting their students based on their academic abilities. Needless to say that these schools have higher education standards than public schools, which do not separate students by their abilities.

Other people believe that separating students by their skills can lead to negative effects on their education. They say that students with lower abilities can lose their motivation to study, while studying with their high-skilled classmates can help them to improve by working as a group on a certain project or task. Besides, there is usually a better social environment in such schools, because students are not under pressure of competitiveness and usually have more collaborative relationships.

It’s obvious that both these points of view have strong supporting arguments and there is no right or wrong. I, personally, support the idea of studying together, as it puts less stress on students and therefore can bring better results overall. For those who support the opposite point of view, there are lots of schools to choose from, who only select student with high marks and high academic abilities.