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Writing Task 1 7+

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 8:29 pm
by Aky
My answer : Task 1

The chart represents data regarding the number of males and females in further education of Britain in three periods and the comparison of full-time and part-time in which men and women were studying.

It is clear from the chart, between 1970/1 and 1990/1 men saw a rise in part-time
Education at 100.000 and in full-time education males did not indicate higher number
in the vicinity of 15.000 people . Women were reckoned to be at approximately 70.000 part-time and full-time education was learned with a very low interest. In the 1980/81s both of genders were roughly similar trends with part-time education but more women studied full-time education than men. Afterwards, part-time and full-time were increased slightly by 90.000 men and about 30.000 men in full-time. However, women were in stark contrast to men reached higher than men in other periods in part-time with 110.000 women. In full-time, females were akin to men with 25.000 people.

Overall, from 1970/1 to 1990/1more men studied than women. Nevertheless, in the 1990/1 s more women opted to study both of part and full time education than men.
(154 words)

Thank you very much !!!

What can you come up with suggestion ?


Re: Writing Task 1 7+

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 9:08 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner

The grammar and vocabulary make this a little difficult to understand. Reckoned? Akin? Opted?

Don't forget to post the chart next time (or a link to it).

However, I think that you have described the data to some extent, with attempts at comparisons.

Overall, not bad, but you certainly need to work on grammar and vocabulary.

All the best,