T1's one more sample
Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 4:06 pm
A glance at the graph provided reveals information on various levels of post-school qualifications and the proportion of male and female graduates who received them in Australia in 1999.
What stands out from the graph is that staggeringly a lot number of men reached their skilled vocational diploma during the period in question. Meanwhile, women with the same qualification accounted for only 10 % which meant 9 times as less as men did. However, at receiving qualifications such as undergraduate diploma and bachelor’s degree females outstripped males with 70% and 55%, meantime, percentage of males constituted about 37% and 47% respectively.
Turning to postgraduate diploma and master’s degree qualifications, at which males recovered their priority, were followed by30% and 40% of females, but nevertheless, 70% and 60% of males in 1999 in Australia. Though, that means more men than women pursued their postgraduate courses.
What stands out from the graph is that staggeringly a lot number of men reached their skilled vocational diploma during the period in question. Meanwhile, women with the same qualification accounted for only 10 % which meant 9 times as less as men did. However, at receiving qualifications such as undergraduate diploma and bachelor’s degree females outstripped males with 70% and 55%, meantime, percentage of males constituted about 37% and 47% respectively.
Turning to postgraduate diploma and master’s degree qualifications, at which males recovered their priority, were followed by30% and 40% of females, but nevertheless, 70% and 60% of males in 1999 in Australia. Though, that means more men than women pursued their postgraduate courses.