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I really appreciate your witty comments and feedback !!!

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 5:00 am
by Aky
Task 2 (academic module)
Question :
Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or work in a foreign country. Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone should learn a foreign language.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

My response:
The last fifty years have seen a considerable increase in learning a foreign language so as to travel to or work in a foreign country. However, there remains some disagreements as to whether travel and work have been a major factor or a minor factor to learn language. While there are valid arguments on both sides, I will consider them before reaching a conclusion.

On the one hand, people who are in favor of learning a foreign language for journey and employment point out that the only reasons for learning a foreign are in fact travelling around the world and seeking a better job to work. For example, in today’s world English has become the first international language, meaning that plenty of language learners have been taking advantages of this language. Thus, the majority of people today make an attempt to master foreign languages.

On the other hand, it might be also said that there are certainly other reasons and benefits which some people tend to learn them as a root cause are studying in universities or having encyclopedic knowledge of a great history and culture. One particularly example of this are people who have keen interest in learning history and culture of the world, meaning that learning a foreign language allows them to read or observe historical and unique items. Therefore, travel and work are not the main cause of learning foreign language, there are other reasons too such as a better education and historical places.

In conclusion, some people say that the only cause for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or work in foreign country. Others think that these cannot be always the only reasons, meaning that sometimes the need of learning a foreign language stems form people’s own interest. In contrast, it is my personal belief that learning language for travel and job far outweigh its opposite

Thank you very much in advance !!! 

What can you come up with suggestion to improve my writing ?????
- I really appreciate your witty comments and feedback !!!