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First essay after watching videos - Task 2

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 10:22 pm
by josip.plascevic
Hi there!
Recently, I have watched all Ryan's videos that I could found on Youtube and therefore I started to practice as much as I can. This essay is a little bit too long, but it is a first one after a long time. So, hopefully, someone will find time to check it out. I would be really grateful. Sorry for bothering but this really mean a lot to me because I applied for IELTS exam on 4th March. Thank you!

People attend colleges or universities for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge etc.). Why do you think people attend colleges or universities?

Nowadays, people’s success is measured by the level of knowledge which they have. Most of the education they obtain is through colleges or universities. Primary goals of educational institutions are to give as much education and experience as possible, equally to that, students apply for studying for the same goal. However, that is not always a reason, sometimes experience can be the key. Through this essay, it will be explained what are people’s different motives to apply for a college or a university.
Firstly, since the world is rapidly developing, the need for education is following that path. It seems that the more educated you are, the better your life will be. Therefore, people are mainly trying to invest into their lives by becoming well educated, because that will bring them safety for them and their families also. For example, enrolling into medicine universities and becoming a doctor one day. This is a title that will generally bring you high salary and secure job in the hospital. Therefore, investing in knowledge will bring you the title you want and will keep you and your family financially secured.
On the other hand, people have various goals in life. Some people see college as an opportunity to get a life experience, and for them, it may be even more important than knowledge and formal education. Charles Poliquin, one of the greatest American trainers, once said that experience helped him the most, if he didn’t have to, he wouldn’t even go to the college. This example shows that, for a group of people, education is just a basic thing, they achieved results and life happiness through experience.
To summarise, there are several reasons why people are applying to colleges or universities. Some of them see it as a chance to get better knowledge and following that, a better life. Others disagree and see the university as an opportunity to experience various things. From my point of view, the university and the student life is one of the greatest journeys in life span and people should get that experience, no matter what their final aim is.

Re: First essay after watching videos - Task 2

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 3:34 pm
by tinalongmao
Hi, I'm interested in this topic, so I also had a go.
Perhaps, could also have a look for me?
I would be really grateful. Thanks.

People today tend to have a higher education to better fit into society. The majority believes the higher the degree is, the more promising their future career would be. Though it is the main stream of people view entering university, there are indeed various other reasons.

Attending universities gives more time to people who haven’t had idea about what they want to do, to make plans for their future. It is not unusual to hear young people feel confused what kind of roles they’re going to play once step into society. The uncertainty of their job expectation partly prevents these teens from getting into the real world, instead, keeping them take advantage of their students life on campus to think about the unknown. While some people do make compromise going to university, other people with great ambition, however, regard university life as an opportunity to expand their academic territories. With passion for a certain major, these explorers would like to go further in the world attracts them.

Comparing with the two above, this one would be a bit interesting. It is also said the reason for some people attending university is to expand their interpersonal relation. In their views, a well-built social network would be important for their future socializing.

In general, reasons for people to pursuit a further study could differ from one to the other. While it seems among varies of reasons, to enrich their personal knowledge then going after a better job position has been the principal one. Although going to university is a big decision for most of people, some do come to campus not purely for academic purpose.