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Creative artists should always be given the freedom to express their own ideas, whether words, pictures, music or film,

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 6:43 am
by altinbek11
It is a controversial topic that gifted artists have to be given the opportunity to exhibit their opinion regardless of what their methods are. I personally believe that there should be a mechanism to control and assess the performance of artists, and this essay will discuss two main reasons why art makers should be under supervision.
First of all, government and political staff always point out that movies, art, and music cause social unrest throughout the country. The concepts presented in these forms of art may generate conflict between governments and citizens that, in extreme cases, could break out civil war. In Syria, for instance, we can see that conflict between governments and citizens ideology destroyed bonds between people, and it has torn the country apart and a large amount of people, especially children, are dying. However, there is one exception that we might mention where the work of artists has contributed to positive changes in human history-one of the positive changes being democracy as we can see in many countries.
Secondly, in case of children, controlling art works under the supervision of professional experts or agencies plays a vitally important role in children’s upbringing and education. Because art has been one of the main sources to educate children nowadays so that school curriculums encompass the all aspect of art, which have significant impact on their lifestyle as well as their long-term goals. Furthermore, we need to hand traditional art down to future generations so that government has to give more attention to preserving it. In recent years, traditional art has been destroyed by new trends of art coming from overseas and artists also tend to accept these deliberately.
To conclude, the products of art makers should be assessed by qualified experts, especially by pedagogical experts, so that we can prevent social instability and misunderstandings. It also might be mentioned that artists also need to have a desire to qualify their performance based on a universal approach and that their work need to promote the fabric of society.

Re: Creative artists should always be given the freedom to express their own ideas, whether words, pictures, music or fi

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 10:24 am
by prabhakar reddy
Hi Altinbek,


What is the question and what is it that you have written? You seem to have not understood the concept of the question properly. It's totally irrelevant and you have digressed from the topic entirely.I don't want to take the pains correcting your essay, which is not worth my effort, so I am attaching the same essay written by me long back( The first one) and another one (The second one) written by one of my students, who got her 8 band under my tutelage.

Here they are.

Number 1
Creativity is a sublime art that is bestowed by Cosmic Power, on very few that are born blessed and disallowing them to showcase their innate artistic talents, in any form, is as blasphemous as desecrating divinity, for they are the ones who can bring incredible reforms in the lifestyle of the masses.
Right from the days, when cavemen drew graffiti on the rough surfaced rocks and on the bark of trees to pass on the inheritance of their creative thoughts to the future generations, world has witnessed a sea change in its evolution and today’s artists, taking the cue from their predecessors, are leaving no stone unturned in bringing their creative art through paintings and drawings, songs, dance and movies to bring awareness among people about various aspects of life that could make the world take to new heights. These artists have the uncanny power to influence the society, through their works, to such magnitude that they can change the face of the world. For example, If, Shakespeare hadn’t had the creativeness to script magnificent dramas and stories in English, the world of literature wouldn’t have seen the light of day. If, Michael Jackson hadn’t had the mysterious talent to develop his own dance style, the revolutionary changes in dance couldn’t have taken place today. Like this, there are many examples to quote, how an art work of an artist can influence the world singlehandedly. So, restraining the artists to stretch their powers of imagination that could entertain the world with their artworks is as deprecatory as preventing the a new born child from crying.
But, artists sometime throw caution to the winds and go overboard and create such art works that could have undermining effect on society. For example, F.M.Hussain, the world famous painter of India, had to bite the bullet and had to seek asylum in the UK, when his paintings of Indian gods were drawn nude, hurting the religious sentiments of the Hindus and drawing the ire of the public. In the name creativity, some film makers try to expose the anatomy of women in semi nakedness in artistic style in their films, which may have a negative influence on the minds of the youngsters resulting in their digression from moral and ethical ways.
So, government should be judicious in deciding whether or not to impose restrictions on the artists depending on the gravity of damage, their artworks can cause to the society, in general, and in such cases, where art is shown in its best form that could promote harmony, unity and fraternity among people, the artists should be encouraged and no restrictions are to be imposed.

Number 2( Written by my student)
Creative artists should always be given freedom to express their own ideas (in words, pictures, music or
fiction). in whichever way they wish. There should be no restrictions on what they do.
Artists are known for their creativity, as their wings of imagination have the power to create and
showcase a new world through words, pictures or music. Nowadays artists are being governed by rules
and regulations on their artwork. Some people assert that artists should be allowed to express
themselves in whichever way they wish, while others oppose this thought.
It is imperative for artists to express their ideas freely for enrichment and prosperity of the field of art.
Artists use their expertise to bring their fantasy world to life and also make people look at various
aspects of life through their eyes. There are many artists who showcase different issues which prevail in
the society, and also spread awareness to the masses through their work. Moreover, artists bear the
onus of passing over the legacy of different forms of art to the younger generations. Restricting their
work or ideas would be like clipping their wings, which in turn may endanger the art form in the long run
However, artists should not take the liberty of expressing their ideas in ways that are offensive to
people. Artworks with vulgar or violent content should be discouraged, as they are not suitable for
children and teenagers. Since watching such content can put very negative impact on the minds of the
children, the regulatory agencies should censor the contents of various artworks by restricting them to a
particular age group of viewers or audience.
In conclusion, I opine that government should not interfere with the artwork of experts as long as they
comply with the laws of the land, thus giving the artists the freedom to paint the world with colors of
their creativity.

Prabhakar reddy
Professor of English and IELTS Tutor.