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Please evalute WT2, I haven't recieved even one evaluation

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 9:02 am
by josip.plascevic
Some people claim that there are more disadvantages of the car than its advantages. Do you agree or disagree? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having a car.

Last century brought many changes in a way people travel, especially by cars. Modern industry has developed cars so much that it tends to be a must have these days. Although driving a car gives you less time to travel and more distance to go through, there are costs that come by car and further accidents are still the common thing when driving. Through this essay both positive and negative sides of having a car will be analysed and given supporting examples.
Firstly, having a car allows reducing the time you need to for travelling from one spot to another. For instance, travelling in the Croatian capital city, Zagreb, is often impossible without a car. An hour or even more is needed to go from one side to another. The best option to solve the problem is a car because you can find many shortcuts and cut the time to travel, at least by half. Further, it is common to find people with same interest as you, either it is job or sport or anything similar. That allows people to arrange and travel together, which can reduce costs and make travel more interesting.
However, we are living in a time that is occupied with the global recession and unemployment. In these days, having a car in a privilege. In our country, for example, there are costs which sometimes can take away people from having a car. Generally, gas for driving a car is too expensive and for the price of the driving license, you can almost buy a used car. It is easy to have a car and buy one, but if you want to drive one every single day, you will have to invest more than you think. Even though people tend to reduce the number of accidents, a car is still the most unsafe way to travel. Having to see an accident can be extremely frustrating and in my case, can wake a fear to drive the car.
All in all, having a car has its pros and cons. It allows people to travel faster and hang out when travelling, but it brings many costs and accidents are still happening on a daily basis. I think it is important to have a car, but to be conscious about costs and accidents that may follow.

Re: Please evalute WT2, I haven't recieved even one evaluation

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 9:45 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner

Overall, a good essay. Your points are clear with some development. However, I think that you could have reduced the number of points and developed the remaining ones more. For example, do you need an hour to travel because Zagreb is so big or because there are too many cars? If having a car is so expensive, how do so many people have one?

Vocabulary and grammar (both in terms of range and accuracy) are good. You have also used a good range of connectives well.

All the best,

Re: Please evalute WT2, I haven't recieved even one evaluation

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 9:06 am
by josip.plascevic
Thank you Mr. David!
This really helped me to see where I am with my writing, I guess I am going in good way
I will hopefully avoid these small 'mistakes'.
Once again, thanks :)