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Please evaluate | Task 2 - General Training

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 5:41 pm
by Chints247
Topic: physical education and sports be made compulsary in schools

I am appearing for IELTS on the 11th Feb 2017

Ingeneral it is belived that keeping being physically fit is good for health, especially for children and teenagers. Hence sports and physical education should be a part of educational curiculum in all schools. This essay would talk about all the pros and cons of this and emphasis on why exercise is very important for children and teenagers.

Introducing physical education and sports into the course is an excellent approach towards creating that habit in the young bloods. Having said this, making is compulsary for all can disrupt the purpose. As generally accepted, forcing something on children makes them hate those things the most. Sports and related education can be an optional activity with a merit attached to it. For instance, achievers to get 15 marks bonus in the final marksheet. This would not only encourage them but would push them to put in their best at sports also.

Regular exercise not only keeps a person fit but also confident, energetic and fresh for the rest of the day. It keeps the body flexible and the heart healthy. This would in a way be beneficial during their older years.

In conclusion, it is a great idea to exercise regulary. But, to achieve that, compultion may not be a correct route. Instead building that willingness and passion to do well in sports ALSO should be the alternative.