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WT2 - Is this a lack of coherence and a failed argument? Please evaluate, thank you

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 11:00 am
by josip.plascevic
Nowadays, more and more foreign students are going to English-Speaking countries to learn the “international language – English". It is undoubtedly true that studying English in an English-speaking country is the best way, but it is not the only way to learn it. Do you agree or disagree with the above statement?

In the last century, or even more, English language spread through the world. It became the most recognisable and the most spoken language, you can basically hear it anywhere in the world, almost like a symbol of communication. While one side of foreign students sticks to the idea that the only way, and also the best way to learn English is to go to English-speaking countries, others disagree with that opinion.

Firstly, the rise of Internet has brought many opportunities to the world population, therefore numerous ways of learning a language. For example, there are internet guides like “Duolingo” where it is possible to improve your language skills step by step and it is completely free. The web page is divided into sections, so people can devote to upgrading any language skill they want to, either that is writing, speaking or reading skills. Furthermore, not even a pronunciation is a problem, because these pages tend to have a possibility to record yourself and get a feedback on your speaking. The Internet is becoming more acceptable option and it for sure has its benefits.

Another new thing that is, a language exchange. It is used to talk with people that what to exchange learning languages, so it allows to talk with native speakers, who may want to learn your language and for them, you are a native speaker. It tends to be a software, or web page, for instance. Talking with a native speaker on a daily basis can get you to catch several numbers of idioms, phrases and even a slang which will let you sound more relaxed when speaking with someone. Further, it will gain a confidence and since it is an exchange page people could meet different kinds of people and teach them their language. It will be a mutual satisfaction for both. For someone with the lack of confidence and money, but with the desire to learn the language this is a better option than going to English speaking countries.

All in all, going to English speaking countries has its benefits, but there are a number of better options for learning a language, like using an Internet guide’s or a language exchanges pages. Personally, I think we need to accept a chance to learn a language through Internet since it's completely free and it almost has as many possibilities as living in a foreign country.