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How Companies Increase Staff Productivity?-Evaluation Appreciated

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 3:08 pm
by Yasser.Azab
The performance of staff can have a significant impact on the success of a company.
What can companies do to increase staff productivity?


Countries economies are strongly reliant on the power of their companies. The success of these companies wouldn’t have been without the performance of their employees. Companies should always take corrective measures to raise the level of their workers. Accomplishing this mission will be achieved through the continuous training of these employees as well as engaging them into various assignments.

Training of people is one of the best ways to enhance their skills. If we took HSBC group as an example, all the bank employees have to attend a workshop twice a year on how to deal will with customers in order to achieve the utmost level of customer service. As a result, trust towards HSBC grows day by day. That is why training employees is strongly related to the workplace profit.

Assignments explore individuals’ abilities. This will encourage them to create and innovate. If we looked on Facebook as an example, we will see that Facebook today is totally different from what it has been 3 years ago. This wouldn’t have been without introducing new features into social media market. This was attributed to the efforts of Facebook employees throughout different assignments. Consequently, today, Facebook became the best social network on the internet .Thus, assignments has a strong impact on enhancing one’s expertise.

After analyzing the effect of training and assignments on the level of individuals’ skillfulness, it is clear that these are the best ways for companies to increase their staff productivity. It is better for the companies to increase their budgets on these aspects in order to achieve better outcomes.

Re: How Companies Increase Staff Productivity?-Evaluation Appreciated

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 11:22 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner

The first main paragraph is good but underdeveloped. (Note that it is as long as the introduction.) I think that you should be looking at what happens in these training sessions.

I don't see how the second idea relates to the question. Giving people jobs does not automatically mean they worrk better.

These points mean that the conclusion - 'it is clear' - simply isn't true.

Vocabulary appears good at first glance, but since it isn't used to create an effective argument, the score here would be mediocre at best. There are numerous grammatical errors - some basic, e.g. assignments has, and the range of structures used is also limited.

All the best,