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Please , I need your feed back .. ThanK you in advance

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 6:46 pm
by Elseady2014

Some people say that the Internet is responsible for destroying social skills of teenagers and young adults.
Why do you think the Internet is seen as dangerous in this way and what can we do to ensure that it does not harm the social development of teenagers and young adults?


Ans :

Internet has changed our life in a dramatic way, in particular for young adults and teenagers and it is thought that Internet has detrimental drawbacks on their social skills. i agree with this perspective, and the reasons as well as the suggested solutions will be discussed in this essay.

Firstly, internet has provided us with many tools which apparently seem beneficial for us but they hold hidden side effects, such as programmes and applications which ease the way of interaction between people like facebook, twitter and MSN but at the same time it is completely a virtual world devoid of reality perception thus, resulted in less face to face contact. as well the fact that websites have increased in number and improved in quality leads to many young adults spend most of their time in front of their computers and less time being active. thus, resulted in less socialising in real life which eventually could cause psychological disturbances as feeling of isolation and detachment from the world.

However, there are many suggested ways to combat the negative ramification of internet such as encouraging young adults to do out door activities like sporting events and camps which provide good communication with real world also another good step is to ensure that optimum amount of social lessons are included in the curriculum of teaching process so students will always be in close contact with the importance of social life skills, and finally using the internet itself to promote these skills like doing social courses online for all student is a good step towards tackling this issue.

In conclusion , Internet has negatively influenced the social skills of young adults because of replacing the reality with virtual world, but maintaining adequate awareness and activities to empower the social skills are recommenced to overcome this problem.