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GT-Letter. Please comment :)

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 10:45 am
by paperheart
One of your co-workers is leaving the company. Write a letter to the manager who asked you to organize his/her farewell party and say

- Where will the event take place?
- Suggest a suitable time.
- Describe what food you would serve and what entertainment arrangements you would make.

Dear Mr Carter,
I am writing in connection with the arrangement of farewell party for Alicia. First of all, I would like to organize the party at my residence. This is because my family will be away for the weekend and they would prefer to have someone accompanying me while they are out of town. Plus, my house is located in town and nearby train station. So,I guess it would be convenient for the majority to come over for the party.

As for the time setting, I have two options for it. They are on the 13th (Friday) for dinner or 14th (Saturday) for lunch. I suggest to go for the 14th because most of the attendees would be exhausted on Friday night as we usually finish work at 6pm.

Besides, I plan to order catering on Malaysian cuisine as it offers variety of different dishes. I guess the dishes would be suitable for us as the majority of staff is Malaysian. For entertainment session, there would be board or card games and movie hours, depending on which session that they want to participate in. Please let me know of the arrangement is fine to proceed.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Re: GT-Letter. Please comment :)

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 12:48 am
by Flick
paperheart wrote:One of your co-workers is leaving the company. Write a letter to the manager who asked you to organize his/her farewell party and say

- Where will the event take place?
- Suggest a suitable time.
- Describe what food you would serve and what entertainment arrangements you would make.

Dear Mr Carter,
I am writing with regards to the farewell party for Alicia. First of all, I would like to organize the party at my place. This is because my family will be away for the weekend and they would prefer to have someone with me while they are out of town. Also, my house is located in town and near the train station. So, I guess it would be convenient for the majority of staff to come over for the party. (<-- I like how you give a several reasons to use your place as the location. It is well reasoned and logical.)

As for the time, I think there are two options. Either the 13th (Friday) for dinner or the 14th (Saturday) for lunch. I personally favor the 14th because most of the attendees will be exhausted on Friday night as we usually finish work at 6pm.

Also, I think we should provide Malaysian cuisine as it offers a variety of different dishes. I feel the dishes would be suitable for us as the majority of staff is Malaysian. For entertainment, we could play board or card games and watch a movie, depending on how everyone feels. Please let me know if this suits you.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,
Good job. You provide logical reasons for all your decisions and keep it nice and simple.