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Please grade my essay - Talented Children

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 12:08 pm
by prathap
Some people believe that educating children altogether will benefit them. Others think intelligent children should be taught separately and given special courses. Discuss both views and give your opinion

People have different views about how to educate children. Although, there are good number of arguments in favor of teaching all children together, I personally believe that clever students should be trained distinctly and provide training on extra subjects.

On the one hand, all students of same class should be treated equally. If this did not happen, the unity between the students may be disturbed. This could create differences among children based on their memory levels and also it puts extra pressure on pupils who are lacking on their academics. For instance, when i was studying 12th standard, my school used to take extra classes only for bright academic students to achieve ranks in competition exams. This resulted to form two individual groups among students and they used to hate to speak each other. Also, both the teams used to study hard and hard to secure a place in extra classes. As a result, every child used to take more pressure and burden.

On the other hand, there are people who believe smart children should be educated differently for several reasons. Firstly, the clever pupil takes less time to finish assignments and they may be having extra caliber to learn more subjects. For instance, one of my friend is having capability to remember topics without practicing much time. In the rest of the time he either disturbs others or simply sits ideally. Instead of that, he can be trained on some extra useful courses such as Computers or environmental sciences. Secondly, every education institution needs talented children to showcase their teaching capabilities. Therefore, they can prepare them to participate on different levels of competitions such as paper presentations, puzzle solving etc.

To sum up, it seems to me that there is nothing wrong in teaching clever students separately. However, an educational institute should take all measures to keep students united and friendly.

Re: Please grade my essay - Talented Children

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 12:41 am
by Flick
prathap wrote:Some people believe that educating children altogether will benefit them. Others think intelligent children should be taught separately and given special courses. Discuss both views and give your opinion

People have different views about how to educate children. Although there are good number of arguments in favor of teaching all children together, I personally believe that clever students should be taught separately and be provided training on extra subjects.

On the one hand, all students in the class should be treated equally. If this did not happen, co-operation between students may be disturbed. This could create differences among children based on their memory levels, and puts extra pressure on pupils who are lacking in academic ability. For instance, when I was studying 12th standard (<-- what is 12th standard? It might be easier for readers from other countries to relate if you state your age rather than grade/class level.), my school used to provide extra classes only for bright students to achieve a high rank in competitive exams. This resulted in the creation of two distinct groups among students, and they used to hardly speak each other. Also, both both groups used to study hard in order to secure a place in the extra classes. As a result, every child felt more pressure to succeed academically.

On the other hand, there are people who believe smart children should be educated differently for several reasons. Firstly, the clever pupil takes less time to finish assignments and they may have the capacity to learn more subjects. For example, one of my friends has the ability to remember topics without much effort. The rest of the time he either disturbs others or simply sits and does nothing. Instead of that, he could be trained in extra courses such as Computing or Environmental Sciences. Secondly, every educational institure needs talented children to showcase their teaching capabilities. Therefore, they can prepare them to participate in different levels of competitions such as paper presentations, puzzle solving etc.

To sum up, it seems to me that there is nothing wrong in teaching clever students separately. However, an educational institute should take all measures to keep students united and friendly.
Good job. Using a personal example like your friend is an effective way of connecting with the reader and getting your point across.