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Kindly check my writing task1 (student enrolments)

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 3:07 pm
by Praoparn
student enrolments.jpg
student enrolments.jpg (348.98 KiB) Viewed 3512 times
The given bar graph illustrates student enrolments at the University of Westchester in four catagories, which are male, female, aged 25+, and international students. As a whole, a total number of student enrolments increases from 1875 to 2024.

Generally, male students shows a rise in number from just around 1000 in 1875-1899 to 15000 in 1975-1999, but then shows a small fall in 2000-2024. Female student enrolments as well as mature students (aged 25+) have been introduced after male students for about one year (in 1900-1924). However, international students were introduced a year later than female and mature students. One obvious fact is that there is no drop in the amount of student enrolments in female, mature (aged 25+), and international students from time to time.

Male students are almost always the majority of pupils in the University of Weschester except the last set of data (from 2000-2024), which the ratio of each catagory is quite similar.