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IELTS Task 2 - Unhealthy eating

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:40 am
by creature
Some people claim that what people eat in many Western countries is unhealthy and that their diet is getting worse. Critics say that these countries should change their diet.
What are your opinions on this?

The advent of frozen, pre-packed and fast food has negatively changed the eating habits and diets in many Western countries. I agree with some people who claim that these countries should reverse the diet back to the norm since current trends in nutrition cause negative impact for the following reasons.
First of all, ready-made food not only has paucity of nutrients but also leads to various deceases. Obesity, heart problems, cancer, and diabetes are just a few examples of the consequences of a poor diet. For instance, scientists have proven that people who regularly dining at fast-food chains both suffer from different afflictions and have a shorter life expectancy.
Secondly, unhealthy eating significantly impacts the economy. Bad food choices undermine the health of a population and have subsequent effects on the economy. Citizens have to retire earlier, take sick leaves more often and have higher mortality rates. Thus, it is obvious that a diet and the economy are closely correlated.
Finally, food is an important part of any culture. Various dishes are representatives of nation’s identity. By substituting traditional cuisine with the fast-food nations losing a vital piece of their uniqueness. Food is not a mere fuel for our organism, but rather a significant part of one’s traditions, history, and culture.
To conclude, it is obvious that people in Western countries should stop eating unhealthy food. It not only undermining their health, countries’ economies but also affects the cultures.

Re: IELTS Task 2 - Unhealthy eating

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 9:22 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner

The basic arguments are valid, though you do make the classic error or confusing pre-prepared food with unhealthy food, which is not always true.

Grammar and vocabulary are generally good.

The only other issue is that the main paragraphs are quite short and lack development.

All the best,

Re: IELTS Task 2 - Unhealthy eating

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 2:17 pm
by Ish
The advent of frozen, pre-packed and fast food has negatively changed the eating habits and diets in many Western countries. I agree with some people who claim that these countries should reverse the diet back to the normal since current trends in nutrition causes negative impact due to the following reasons.

First of all, ready-made food not only has paucity of nutrients but also leads to various diseases. Obesity, heart problems, cancer, and diabetes are just a few examples of the consequences of a poor diet. For instance, scientists have proven that people who regularly dine at fast-food chains suffer from different afflictions and have a low life expectancy rate.

Secondly, unhealthy eating significantly impacts the economy. Bad food choices undermine the health of the population and have subsequent effects on the economy. Citizens have to retire earlier, take sick leaves more often and have higher mortality rates. Moreover, the government has to spend considerable part of their budget on their medical bills. Thus, it is obvious that diet and economy are closely correlated.

Finally, food is an important part of any culture; various dishes are representatives of nation’s identity. By substituting traditional cuisines with the fast-food, nations are losing a vital part of their uniqueness and losing them at a rapid pace. Food is not a mere fuel for human beings, but rather a significant part of one’s tradition, history, and culture. Moving them out of over kitchens would eventually result in forgetting them.

To conclude, it is obvious that people in western countries should stop eating unhealthy food because it not only diminish their health, and countries’ economy, but also affect their culture.