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In recent some countries have experienced very rapid economic development ,this has resulted in much higher standard of

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 3:05 pm
by Uzair
living in urban areas but not the county side .The situation may bring some problems for the country as a whole ?What are these problems?
How might they be reduced ?
Giver reason for your answer and include relevant example ?
Please kindly assess my writing ;If any wrong I begg pardon .
Country such as :China ,India,Brazil etc have been expericeing the very rapid economic development .As a result the standard of living exponentiary increased specially in urban areas .On the other hand that's a great problem in the country side above mentioned countries of its living standard .Desipite these countries that's a global problem affected by the same issue .
In my perspective I think that that is an argument and bad consequences of rapid economic development affected the country as a whole .
Countries become capitalise for urbinazation .As a result the investment of resources is previlise in urban people and it is very often visible among a special society .So the exchange of buying and saleing goods ,trading is lead by the such politician .And problem affects specially the middle and low class people those who live in contryside .
As we know some contries in the world rapidly increased their economic strength but they still fail to provide the potential facilities in countryside .The problems such as in villages no luxurious aprtments and transports,houses ,education ,medical and security where in urban side a special society such as :Merchant ,Celebraty ,Film star ,Owner of industry ,company ,film star ,highly professionals,doctors ,engineers ,professor ,politician they live in high standard where they set up very best advantages in urban areas .On the contrary the villagers they persue a simple life and deprived the facilities that they consume .So ,in urban sides the living standardise outweigh in countryside in economic growth countries .The urban society are always touch in better consumer goods where the dwellers of countryside is much behind as they deprived from urban facilities .In addition some highly economic country they represent their country as a tourist attraction and that means the urban side and natural heritage where government work a lot to gift a healthy and pleasure life ,that's why it is some time fall them in doubt to choice their staying destination .
However majority rapid economic growth countries in the world of those who live in countryside confront a variety of problem rather than whose live in urban areas .