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Agree & Disagree question please review

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 7:18 pm
by ali15
Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays education has become more accessible for everybody than ever. This can be seen where males and females are getting the same opportunity for education. It is disagreed with that collages should accept same amount of number of boys and girls in each degree subjects. This will be shown by looking at how universities must admit students based on their academic merit and student tendency to study specific course.

Firstly, the criteria of accepting students in degree courses must be based on students academic merits. For example, students with high grads should have the priority to enroll into the course regardless of their sex. Assigning 50% of the seats for females and 50% of the seats to males is an impractical way of selecting students, as many of brilliant students will not be accepted due to this unfair equal sex number rule. Therefore, enrolling same number of male and female is not a practical option.

Secondly, some subjects attract more females than males and vice versa. For instance, girls are more into courses like nursing and medicine, while boys tend to study engineering subjects. As this shows, accepting students whom have a strong desire to learn a certain degree course will give them a rewarding opportunity to show their creativity and the outcome sure will benefit them and the university, however, those whom have just be accepted just to equalized the number for males or females, surly they will not as excellent and creative as those with great desire. thus, the unrealistic of selecting same number of boys and girls can be seen.

Inconclusion, after looking at how collages should accept student based on their merits and desire, it is shown that the method of enrolling same number of gender is completely impractical. I hope that merits and desire are to be the main criteria for selecting student in university the world over.