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problem and solutions essay

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 5:31 pm
by ali15
Traffic congestion is becoming a huge problem for many major cities. Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce traffic in big cities.

Today on all over the world people moves from remote area to live in big cities. This is obvious where the number of people living in major cities is on the increase, and that will cause many problems. It is argued that one of the main issues in mega cities is traffic conjunction. On this essay taxation and public transport development will be analyzed for viability.

Firstly, to control the traffic jams government should improves the cities transport network, and also promote individual to use it. For example, in XXXX, although it considered one of the biggest city in the world, it has no traffic jam due to its amazing public transport system and its affordable price. This example illustrate that, the availability of a convenient and reliable public transport such as underground, buses and trams, with attractive ticket price rate definitely it will gravitate people to use it rather that their privets cars, that is a key factor to decrease the number of automobiles running on the roads. Thus, developing the public transportation and encourage individual to use them are a viable solution.

Secondly, another way to tackled this problem is by imposing taxation and increasing the oil price. For instance, referring to the prior example, the city administration charges an amount of 5 pounds as a roads toll in addition to that government has increase the oil price up to 200%. As this shows, charging people money for using their privets cars, will make them think about another cheap option like using train, buses and trams, this will have a positive ramification to cut down the numbers of cars running on the streets. Therefore, the benefits of imposing money for private automobiles is clear.

After analyzing the area of taxation and transport network development, it has been proven that these are the most rewarding and effective ways to control the traffic jam. It is recommended that this method to be put into practice the world over.