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kindly check and grade it

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 7:53 am
by neha
''Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject''

For the past few years,education play key role in success. Therefore, people are now fully aware of its significance.Yet, it has elevated competition between students and the universities as well. As a result, universities tend to limitise their number if students. Currently an university rarely rejects a student merely for due to gender. Although it has advantages and disadvantages both.But i am in favour of equality of both genders for getting admission in every subject.

Firstly considering its benefits, the major one is that by setting equal rules. The university is offering unbiased oppurtunity to all the brilliant students to show their apptitude regardless of differences. Secondly,it is the demand of present scenario. As, now parents are well educated they teach both their boys and girls. Additionally,their is no IQ difference between a male and female, so they both deserve a chance to study thrir favorite subject. By letting the boys and girls to study i n the same environment. It drastically boast confidence and help them to communicte freely with eachother. Which in turn can be fruitful for their jobs unduly. As their is no contrast between them in work places.

More on,their is a big thought difference between these two genders,which rose healthy competition. In debates, specially tons of ideas and new creative notions could be achieve. Yet, draw backs could not be neglected overly. As,there are many subjects restrained to choice of particular gender. For example, girls take cooking,decorating,fashion classes. While, boys mostly prefer to chose engineering,computer studiesand so on. ONn the ground,considering the both prospects the pros are far more than its cons.

Re: kindly check and grade it

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:15 am
by Flick
neha wrote:Topic:
''Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject''

For the past few years, education has played a key role in success. (<-- whose success? Yours? Society's?) Therefore, people are now fully aware of its significance. Yet, it has elevated competition between students and universities as well. As a result, universities tend to limit the number of students. Currently, a university rarely rejects a student merely due to gender. Although it has advantages and disadvantages. (<-- What has disadvantages and advantages? Gender equality? Separate universities?) But I am in favour of equality for both genders when applying for university admission.

Firstly, considering the benefits, the major one is that of setting equal rules. The university is offering unbiased opportunity to all students to show their aptitude regardless of differences in gender. Secondly, equality is expected in this day and age. That is, now parents are encouraged to teach both their boys and girls. Additionally, there is no IQ difference between males and females, so they both deserve a chance to study their favorite subject. By letting the boys and girls study in the same environment, it drastically boosts confidence and helps them to communicate freely with each other. This, in turn, will help them with their future jobs, as there will be no difference between them in work places.

Moreover, there is a different thought process between genders, which gives rise to healthy competition which can lead to tons of ideas and new creative notions. However, there are some draw backsto be considered. That is, there are many subjects associated with a particular gender. For example, girls take cooking, decorating, and fashion classes, while boys are more likely to choose engineering, computer studies, etc. Overall, considering both prospects, the pros far outweigh the cons.
Hi neha,

It might help to review 'there' and 'their', as you did get these words mixed up.

Re: kindly check and grade it

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:39 pm
by neha
Thank you for your suggestion