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pls give me a band score for Task 2 - smoking

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 9:17 am
by rairaichan0323
In many countries it is now illegal to smoke in public places. It is only fair that people who wish to smoke should have to leave the building. Do you agree or disagree?

In the majority of nations, it is illicit to smoke in public areas. Some people suggest that this is unfair to pro-smoking group. However, it is agreed that this policy is fair for all the citizens. This argument will be proven by analyzing how banning smoking in public areas can benefit to the society at large and also be able protect the right of non-smokers.

First of all, it is an undeniable fact that prohibiting smoking inside the building is beneficial to the community. In fact, tobacco is a drug, which leads to serious illness such as lung cancer and other fatal ailments. For example, according some research, non-smokers may have a high chance to get serious sick if they are consistently inhaling the secondhand smoke and become passive smokers. This makes it clear that cigarettes are threat to our health. As this shows, banning smoking in the building areas is in our society at large interests.

Secondly and even more importantly, though, permitting smoking in public areas is violation non-smokers’ civil liberties. It is because non-smokers have a right to deny inhaling cigarette smoke. Thus, no one have a right to force others to smell smoke, and they have the right to determine what goes into their bodies. It is obvious from this that it is justice to asking the smokers to leave building when they want to smoke.

By way of conclusion, following this look at how the local district can be advantage from it and the preserve non-smoking group’s right, it is proven that prohibiting smoking inside public building is without inclined. Also, I believe that it seems highly advisable for people to curtail smoking.

Re: pls give me a band score for Task 2 - smoking

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 5:32 am
by Flick
rairaichan0323 wrote:In many countries it is now illegal to smoke in public places. It is only fair that people who wish to smoke should have to leave the building. Do you agree or disagree?

In the majority of nations, it is illegal to smoke in public areas. Some people suggest that this is unfair to pro-smoking groups. However, most people agree that this policy is fair for all citizens. This argument will be proven by analyzing how banning smoking in public areas can benefit society and also protect the rights of non-smokers.

First of all, it is an undeniable fact that prohibiting smoking inside buildings is beneficial to the community. In fact, tobacco is a drug which leads to serious illnesses such as lung cancer and other fatal ailments. For example, according to research, non-smokers have a higher chance of becoming seriously ill if they are consistently inhaling smoke and being passive smokers, than if they avoid smoke and smokers altogether. This makes it clear that cigarettes are a threat to the health of smokers and non-smokers alike. As this shows, banning smoking within buildings is in the best interests of society as a whole. (<-- I really like how you relate the last sentence in this paragraph to the first sentence. It is very tidy.)

Secondly and even more importantly, though, permitting smoking in public areas is a violation of non-smokers’ civil liberties; mainly non-smokers right to deny inhaling cigarette smoke. Thus, no one has the right to force others to smell smoke, and everyone has the right to determine what goes into their bodies. It is obvious from this that it is only fair to ask smokers to leave the building when they want to smoke.

In conclusion, following this look at how making it illegal to smoke inside protects everyone's heath and also preserves non-smoking group’s rights, it is proven that prohibiting smoking inside public buildings is a good idea. Also, I believe that it seems highly advisable for people to curtail smoking.