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Task 1 - Bar Chart

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 1:05 pm
by CindyBang
Hi all,

Please read and leave comments for this one.
Thank you very much.


The bar chart illustrates the percentage in allocating expenses in five categories of four countries during year 2009.

American spend most of their income in housing, transportation and food, which are 26, 18 and 14 per cent respectively. On the contrary, health care and clothing are noticeably lower as 7 per cent and 4 per cent correspondingly. Canada and the UK depict a relatively similar trend in their expenditure, however they adversely allocate more fund on health maintenance than clothing. It is 4 and 1 per cent in health insurance, whilst 6 and 6.5 per cent in clothing, respectively.

The shares of expenditures in Japan are significantly different compared to the Western countries. Food consumption and housing are considerably high in all five categories, that is 23 per cent and 22 per cent, which is more than twice compared to transition expenses. Japanese employ slightly lower than 5 per cent in maintaining health and buying clothes.

In brief, all four countries consume more necessity goods and services than luxury ones.

Re: Task 1 - Bar Chart

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 10:01 pm
by Flick
CindyBang wrote:


The bar chart illustrates the expenditure in percentages in five categories of four countries during 2009.

The United States spent most of their income on housing (26%), transportation (18%) and food(14%). On the contrary, health care and clothing are noticeably lower at 7% and 4% respectively. Canada and the UK display a similar trend in their expenditure. However, they allocated more funds to health maintenance than clothing: 4 and 1% in health insurance, and 6 and 6.5% in clothing, respectively.

The shares of expenditure in Japan are significantly different compared to the Western countries. Food consumption and housing are considerably higher than the other threecategories, at 23% and 22%, which is more than twice transportation expenditure. Japan spent slightly less than 5% in health care and clothing.

In summary, all four countries consume more necessary goods and services than luxury ones.
Hi CindyBang

You have done a great job of explaining the chart. Your summary was excellent. Well done!
