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Please Assess my Task1-Avg House Prices b/w two year groups

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 2:34 pm
by SriRanjith
Although I could not Provide you with the Chart.I hope you Will get a Clear Idea of What I am Trying to Explain. :D .

The Following Chart illustrates the difference in the average housing prices between the years 1990-1995 and 1996-2002 among five major cities in comparison with the prices in 1989.
Looking at the Chart , it is clearly evident there is only a small percentage hike between the years 1990-1995 in Madrid and Frankfurt.It is also quite clear that the average prices in the other three cities namely New York , Tokyo and London dropped down by a further 5% , 7% and 8% respectively.
Whereas, between the years 1996-2002, there have been an incline in average house prices in almost all the cities Whereas Tokyo has plunged down to a further 5%. Madrid has seen a considerable upsurge of 12% compared to the rest of the cities.
Overall , the cities have seen a significant Positive percentage increase between the years 1996-2002 except for Tokyo which has been on the negative side in both the cases.

Re: Please Assess my Task1-Avg House Prices b/w two year gro

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:31 pm
by Flick
SriRanjith wrote:
The following fhart illustrates the difference in the average housing prices between 1990-1995 and 1996-2002 among five major cities in comparison with the prices in 1989.
Looking at the chart , it is evident there is only a small percentage hike between the years 1990-1995 in Madrid and Frankfurt. It is also clear that the average prices in the other three cities, namely New York, Tokyo, and London, dropped by a further 5%, 7% and 8% respectively.
Whereas, between the years 1996-2002, there has been an increase in average house prices in almost all the cities. However,Tokyo has plunged a further 5%. Madrid has seen a considerable upsurge of 12% compared to the rest of the cities.
Overall, the cities have seen a significant positive percentage increase between the years 1996-2002, except for Tokyo which has been on the decline in both cases.
Hi SriRanjith

Your description is very clear and easy to understand even without the chart.
Don't forget, there is always a space after a comma or full stop.
Great job!


Re: Please Assess my Task1-Avg House Prices b/w two year gro

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:37 pm
by SriRanjith
Hey Flick ,
Thanks for the reply and sure will keep in mind the suggestions.Can u tell the expected band for the chart.I know you are not an assessor(maybe you are :D ) but will help me immensely.
