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writing task 2 please evaluate

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 5:29 pm
by leo7.5
Most people do not care enough about environmental issues.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Whether we like it or not, climate change has become more and more evident in the recent past. Yet even after countless red flags, most people fail to recognize the extent of environmental pollution and do close to nothing about it. I believe that denial of global warming is not only dauntingly popular but also a very serious threat to our existence on this planet.

Human population has exploded in the last century to an astounding figure of 7 billion according to the last census. This huge population growth has led to a monumental increase in the exploitation of the environment. We have lost almost 60% of our vertebrate population, the carbon levels are at a staggering all time high and even the deepest water sources have been polluted. It is expected that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than the fish. Even after all of this data and grim future projections, there is little to no effort being shown by the public to reduce the levels of pollution.

Moreover, most people are not even aware of the carbon print they have or the extent of pollution they are capable of. The sheer amount of ignorance is scary to say the least. Even though there are NGOs working actively to advocate for practices which are environment friendly, it does not even begin to cover the extent of the damage. The governments are to blame as well, because if the state mandates strong laws to protect the environment, the public will eventually oblige.

It is true that our construct of society is built in such a way that everyone is running high paced trying to achieve various benchmarks. From getting a degree to scoring a promotion to buying a house, there isn't much time or energy left to focus on something like environment which seems redundant but in fact is quite essential. I believe that environmental pollution is an emergency that needs to be faced head on and should be a global priority.