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pls grade it - task 2-studying history

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 6:07 am
by rairaichan0323
It is a must for students to learn history at school, and it is a waste of learning other less important subjects for kids. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, most of the students have to learn various curricula at school and their time is fully occupied by it. Some people argue that students are compulsory of studying less significant history subject is a waste. It is disagreed that learning history at school is a waste. This argument will be proven by looking at how studying history at a college can help pupils to develop critical thinking and enhance national cohesion.

First of all, it is an indisputable fact that studying history can assist schoolchildren to develop their critical thinking. For example, historians need to have a critical thinking in order to conduct their research and help the country to explore the ruin site. This makes it clear that learning history can develop an individual critical thinking. As this shows that the adolescents should be taught history at an institution and it is in fact not a less essential subject for them.

Secondly, and even more importantly that educating history to pupils can rise up their sense of national cohesion. To illustrate, students can fully understand the background of their own country and how it was developed. Thus, it can increase their sense of belonging and enhance their nation bonds. It is obvious from this that it is not a waste of learning history subject for offspring.

Following this look at how learning history can augment citizens’ national cohesion and promote their critical thinking, it is proven that history is a vital subject for pupils. Also, I believe that it seems highly advisable for the school to raise the students’ awareness of the significance of studying history.

Re: pls grade it - task 2-studying history

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 9:18 pm
by Flick
rairaichan0323 wrote:It is a must for students to learn history at school, and it is a waste of learning other less important subjects for kids. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, most students have to learn various curricula at school and their time is fully occupied by it. Some people argue that the compuslory study of subjects such as history is a waste. I disagree that learning history at school is a waste. This argument will be proven by looking at how studying history at a college can help pupils to develop critical thinking and enhance national cohesion. (<-- Well put.)

First of all, it is an indisputable fact that studying history can assist schoolchildren to develop their critical thinking. For example, historians need to have critical thinking in order to conduct their research and help the country to explore archaeological sites. This makes it clear that learning history can help an individual develop critical thinking. (<-- This argument makes it clear that developing critical thinking is important, but it doesn't say how learning history helps to develop critical thinking.) As this shows, adolescents should be taught history at an institution and it is, in fact, not a less essential subject for them.

Secondly, and even more importantly, learning about history can increase students' sense of national cohesion. To illustrate, students can fully understand the background of their own country and how it was developed. Thus, it can increase their sense of belonging and enhance their nation bonds. It is obvious from this that it is not a waste of learning history subject for offspring.(<-- This is a really good point, well expressed.)

Following this look at how learning history can augment citizens’ national cohesion and promote their critical thinking, I strongly believe that history is a vital subject for pupils. Also, I believe that it seems highly advisable for schools to raise the students’ awareness of the significance of studying history.