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need your helping - task 2 focus on study

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 5:40 am
by rairaichan0323
In university, students should focus on their full-time study as obligation. However, others believe that they should take part in the social practices as many as possible. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

In the present age, university students will frequently do some part-time job in their leisure time for gaining social experiences. While some people argue that they should concentrate on their full-time study as a responsibility, many others believe that beside study they should do some practices in the society as many as possible. These points of view will be discussed before arriving at a satisfactory outcome.

On the one hand, some people are of the opinion that full-time university pupils should concern on study as a duty. For example, some university students spend undue time on their part-time job rather than study. Consequently, they distract from it and cannot focus on their learning. It is argued that it is very hard for students to get balance of two things at the same time. Thus, it is clear why some people gravitate towards students only need to take their pupils’ obligation.

On the other hand, many contend that schoolchildren should participate in the social practices. This is because they only can obtain the knowledge from the books that are simply a theory. Sometimes the knowledge from the textbooks is too theoretical. Therefore, they can enrich their experiences and also enhance their potential skills by the daily practices in the community. They can learn how to employ the theories into the realistic environment. Hence, after analyzing this fact, it is certainly true from that why many support to this claim.

In conclusion, there are strong arguments on both sides. However, after analyzing these points of view, I personally believe that students should take part in social practices in order to gain more realistic experiences.