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do you have any ideas to answer this question?

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 9:34 am
by rairaichan0323
hi guys, do you have any ideas to answer this question?

It is common for leading media like newspaper and TV programs to report the violence and other crimes in society. What are the reasons for this event? What measures should we take to deal with this problem?

are they asking the reason why media report these type of news?

but for the 2nd question, i have no ideas how to answer it. Do i have to suppose it is a problem and then provide solutions to it??

could you please teach me? thank you!!

Re: do you have any ideas to answer this question?

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 2:19 pm
by durai
I am not sure, but waht I would do is,

problems in the society ( murders, rapes, burglaries, thefts, accidents )

solution ( government should take judicious actions)

another way could be:

problem ( if media reports, then young people would read and cause more damage to society)

solution ( again government)

Hope this helps :)

Re: do you have any ideas to answer this question?

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 10:40 am
by rairaichan0323
thank you for ur suggestion.

i have one more question , if they are asking the reasons for something and asking you provide solutions to it. do i need to give more than one reasons and solutions? or i can only provide one reason and solution?

thank you Durai

Re: do you have any ideas to answer this question?

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 11:01 am
by durai
well, I would stick to one cause and explain completely, instead of listing two or more causes without explanation.


Re: do you have any ideas to answer this question?

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 11:10 am
by allen_zhang
I want to mention something: students often practice their writing with historical topics they got from the Internet, but all these topics are memorized by some Ielts exam takers rather than offcialally released from BC. So, there are frequent mistakes in those topic questions. I guess the question you posted is a wrong topic.
Maybe change "event" to "trend" or "phenomenon" would work.

1. regulate media. put limitation on the "content" and "time". An example: In some countries, programs with sexua content can be aired only after 12 o'clock.

Re: do you have any ideas to answer this question?

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 11:36 am
by rairaichan0323
thank you Durai and allen :)

i check this question on the internet. i just feel that question is unclear; therefore, i have no idea how to answer it :shock: